mark2017's Commodities to Watch

Starting about two years ago, fears of a lithium shortage almost tripled prices for the metal, to more than $20,000 a ton, in just 10 months. The cause was a spike in the market for electric vehicles, which were suddenly competing with laptops and smartphones for lithium ion batteries. Demand for the metal won’t slacken anytime soon—on the contrary, electric car production is expected to increase more than thirtyfold by 2030, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Very good new

Galaxy Resources Limited James Bay Drilling - Significant Mineralisation Extended


09/14/2017 | 01:45am CEST
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Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Galaxy Resources Limited ("Galaxy" or the "Company") (ASX:GXY) (OTCMKTS:GALXF) is pleased to announce further assays from its 2017 drilling campaign at its James Bay Project ("James Bay "), Quebec, Canada.

In late March, the Galaxy James Bay team commenced a ~33,000m diamond drilling campaign to extend and develop the existing James Bay spodumene resource in Quebec, Canada - the program is now complete. All assays are expected to be finalized by the end of September 2017.

All intercepts below are reported downhole.

Highlights from this round of drilling and assay are:

- 56.6m at 1.61% Li2O from 89.3m to 145.9m (drill hole JBL17- 09)

- 49.6m at 1.60% Li2O from 17.0m to 66.6m (drill hole JBL17- 30)

- 34.5m at 1.63% Li2O from 68.8m to 103.3m (drill hole JBL17-104)

- 35.9m at 1.54 % Li2O from 2.0m to 37.9m (drill holeJBL17-105)
and 53.5m at 1.72 % Li2O from 68.5m to 122.0m

- 41.0m at 1.81 % Li2O from 25.8m to 66.8m (drill hole JBL17-106)
and 88.4m at 1.46 % Li2O from 204.1m to 292.5 m

- 34.2m at 1.29 at % Li2O from 86.0m to 120.2m (drill hole JBL17-60)

Assays (Tables 1 and 2, see the link below) have been received for a further 49 diamond holes for 10,111m of NQ drilling (collars, Table 1, see the link below). Drilling has been both resource infill and resource extensional in type. All drilling is diamond (core). Pegmatites outcrop at surface and the drill program has targeted approximately 1,850m of pegmatite outcrop westward of the James Bay Highway. The first three drill holes east of the highway returned economic grades in pegmatite. The resource remains open and largely untested east of the James Bay Highway.

Thicker pegmatites at the western extremity of the known mineralization remain open and untested below the limits of the current drilling. The now-completed drilling program will be used for a mineral resource re-estimate and upgrade, which is expected to be finalised by the end of October 2017.

Galaxy's Managing Director and CEO, Anthony Tse, commented "The results from this last set of assays are very good and reaffirm the potential of James Bay, as a long-life high grade spodumene project. We look forward to the outcome of the resource upgrade which will follow. The Project Notice, which outlines the scope of the project, is expected to be submitted shortly to the relevant departments in both the Quebec Government and the Federal Government of Canada. "

Further assay results will be released as they are received over the coming weeks.

All results are listed in Table 2, see the link below.


The James Bay Pegmatite swarm is located 10km south of the Eastmain River and 100 kilometers east of James Bay. The property is accessible by paved road from the James Bay Road which cuts through the property close to the 381km road marker on the highway Route/109 from Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada. Val d'Or is approximately 526km westward from Montreal, Quebec. A large, multi-service truck stop is located at marker 381. Discovered in the 1960's and then known as the Cyr property the site consists of a swarm of 33 pegmatite dykes that belong to the rare-element 'class', the LCT (Li-Cs- Ta) 'family' and the albite-spodumene 'type' per the classification by Cerny (1991). Two new major pegmatite dykes have been discovered in this current campaign as well as smaller swarms eastward of the known extent. The mineralised pegmatite is open at depth and to the east. The lithium bearing mineral contained in the pegmatites is spodumene LiAl(Si2O6), a member of the pyroxene group of minerals. A classified resource was reported at cut-off grade of 0.75% Li2O of 11.75Mt @ 1.30% Li2O (Indicated) and 10.47Mt @ 1.20% Li2O (Inferred) within a conceptual pit shell using a lithium carbonate price of USD 6,000/t, metallurgical and process recovery of 70%, mining and process costs of USD 64 per tonne and overall pit slope of 45 degrees. The current resource is based on 14,457m of diamond drilling and 201.3m of horizontal channel sampling. The pegmatite swarms have dip direction ~N 103 degrees E., dip steeply at ~60 degrees westward and forms a corridor of discontinuous dykes about ~4km in length and ~300m wide. This outcrop is to about 15-20m above the surrounding muskeg/swamp. This phase of drilling is complete.

To view tables and figures, please visit:
Neometals enters first sub-licence agreement for the Neomet Process technology

13:10 14 Sep 2017

The sub‐licence agreement will enable the technology to be applied by a third‐party joint venture.

Neometals enters first sub-licence agreement for the Neomet Process technology
Neometals has achieved a milestone

Neometals Ltd (
ASX:NMT) has achieved a milestone, following its wholly-owned subsidiary, Alphamet Management Pty Ltd, entering into the first sub-license agreement for the application of the Neomet Process.

The patented, environmentally friendly process technology has broad applications in the recovery of a wide range of metal oxides from chloride leach solutions.

Next steps
Subject to satisfactory pilot testing, the agreement will see the Neomet Process technology used at a steel mill in the Republic of Serbia to recover zinc, copper, iron, silver and lead from a new modular EAF Dust Processing plant.

The company sees this agreement as a solid step forward in its strategy to develop and hold a portfolio of royalty interests from sub‐licencing the technology in addition to deploying the process on its Barrambie Titanium Project.

READ NOW: Neometals commences test work at one of the world’s highest‐grade titanium deposits
Neometals has a strategic alliance with the Australian Engineers
Why Galaxy Resources Limited shares stormed higher today

James Mickleboro | September 14, 2017 |
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Although the market has sunk lower today, that hasn?t stopped the Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX: GXY) share price for climbing higher.

In morning trade the lithium miner?s shares are up 5% to $2.70.

Why have its shares climbed higher?

This morning Galaxy released further assays from its drilling campaign at its James Bay Project in Quebec, Canada.

The now complete 33km diamond drilling campaign was undertaken in order to extend and develop its existing James Bay spodumene resource.

According to today?s release, assays have been received for a further 49 holes and reaffirm the potential of James Bay as a long-life high grade spodumene…

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Although the market has sunk lower today, that hasn’t stopped the
Galaxy Resources Limited
(ASX: GXY) share price for climbing higher.

In morning trade the lithium miner’s shares are up 5% to $2.70.

Why have its shares climbed higher?

This morning Galaxy released further assays from its drilling campaign at its James Bay Project in Quebec, Canada.

The now complete 33km diamond drilling campaign was undertaken in order to extend and develop its existing James Bay spodumene resource.

According to today’s release, assays have been received for a further 49 holes and reaffirm the potential of James Bay as a long-life high grade spodumene project.

Should you invest?

These results appear to confirm that Galaxy has three world-class assets on its hands.

Mt Cattlin in Western Australia is already up and running and looks set to generate strong level of free cash flow this year.

The other asset is its Sal de Vida lithium and potash brine project in Argentina.

When this opens management believes it will generate total annual revenues in the region of US$215 million and operating cash flow before interest and tax of US$118 million per annum at full production rates for a 40 year period.

But if lithium demand continues to grow as strongly as predicted, I believe there’s a reasonable chance that these estimates could be upgraded.

Overall, I believe this makes Galaxy the best option for investors in the industry ahead of its peers
Orocobre Limited
(ASX: ORE) and
Pilbara Minerals Ltd

Though it is worth remembering that it is a high risk investment and largely unsuitable for the average investor.

Finally, as well as Galaxy,
this tech share could also be a big winner from the rise of electric vehicles and renewable energy.
VW announces $84 billion investment in electric cars and batteries
VOLKSWAGEN has announced that it is investing $84 billion investment in electric cars and batteries.
By Luke John Smith
PUBLISHED: 19:47, Mon, Sep 11, 2017 | UPDATED: 19:54, Mon, Sep 11, 2017 GETTY
VW has announced it is investing $84 billion in electric carsq
VW has announced that it is investing $84 billion in electric cars and batteries.

The German manufacturer announced the change to its investment strategy tonight at a pre-Frankfurt Motor Show 2017 event.

Earlier this year, VW announced it was investing $10 billion in EVs but has tonight changed its investment strategy.

Of this, $50 billion will be invested in battery production in order to support its ambitions to create a vast range of electric vehicles.
Boom electric car in China

El sector de los vehículos eléctricos está de enhorabuena. Según informaron ayer los medios de China, las autoridades comunistas están considerando prohibir en un futuro la producción y venta de automóviles que empleen combustibles fósiles. Una medida con la que pretenden aliviar los altos índices de contaminación que sufren tras años de crecimiento económico desenfrenado y que supondría todo un espaldarazo para el desarrollo de la automoción limpia. La noticia fue anunciada por Xin Guobin, viceministro de Industria y Tecnología de la Información, en un foro sobre la industria del motor celebrado el fin de semana en la ciudad norteña de Tianjin.

En su intervención, aseguró que su ministerio ha iniciado una «investigación relevante» para fijar una estrategia nacional que se plantea la posibilidad de prohibir los coches impulsados por gasolina o diésel. Aunque no ofreció más detalles concretos sobre los plazos, sí que aseguró que la nueva política se pondrá en práctica en «un futuro próximo», y citó el año 2025 como una fecha clave para el sector.

«Estas medidas promoverán cambios profundos en el medio ambiente y darán impulso al desarrollo de la industria automotriz de China», aseguró en declaraciones a la televisión estatal CCTV.

«Las empresas deben esforzarse por mejorar el nivel de ahorro de energía para los autos tradicionales y desarrollar con vigor nuevos vehículos de acuerdo con los requisitos establecidos», añadió.

Esta decisión sigue los pasos dados anteriormente por países como Francia o Reino Unido, que fijaron 2040 como el año en el que se prohibirán la venta de coches y furgonetas de gasolina y diésel, con el fin de reducir las emisiones nocivas. Noruega, aún más ambiciosa, estableció 2025 como fecha tope para lograr este objetivo.

El hecho de que China se sume a estas iniciativas tiene un gran calado. No en vano, el gigante asiático es desde hace ocho años el mayor mercado mundial del automóvil. Tan solo en 2016, se matricularon más de 28 millones de vehículos, según la Organización Internacional de Fabricantes de Vehículos a Motor (OICA).

Inmerso en su campaña por atajar la contaminación y convertir al país en un referente tecnológico mundial, Pekín lleva tiempo promoviendo el desarrollo y venta de vehículos híbridos o eléctricos, algo a lo que el público chino ha respondido positivamente (en gran parte debido a las subvenciones). Según los datos manejados por la Asociación China de Fabricantes de Automóviles, en 2016 se vendieron 507.000 vehículos enchufables, de los que 115.000 eran autobuses.

Esta cifra supuso un crecimiento interanual del 53% en el país y representa una cuota del 46% de todos los vehículos limpios vendidos en el mundo.

En esta línea, el pasado mes de junio, el Ministerio de Industria y Tecnología de la Información presentó a debate un borrador que contempla la idea de establecer un sistema de cuotas que obligue a los fabricantes de coches a producir y vender más vehículos híbridos y eléctricos.

Aunque el proyecto todavía está sin concretar y las cifras podrían modificarse, se planteaba la hipótesis de que estos vehículos limpios alcanzaran un cupo del 8% del total de las ventas en 2018, del 10% en 2019 y del 12% en 2020.

A medida que esta tendencia se hace más fuerte, los principales fabricantes con presencia en el mercado chino han ido anunciando nuevos planes para impulsar la producción de sus modelos eléctricos en China.

Si el grupo Volkswagen se alió en 2016 con la china JAC y prevé lanzar en los próximos dos o tres años unos 15 modelos híbridos o eléctricos de sus marcas VW, Audi y Skoda, Volvo asegura que introducirá su primer coche 100% eléctrico en China en 2019.

Otras empresas como DaimlerBenz, Renault-Nissan o Ford –que asegura que el 70% de sus autos a la venta en China tendrán opciones eléctricas en 2025– también han anunciado alianzas con otros fabricantes chinos para trabajar en esta línea.

Según los analistas, el país asiático presenta grandes ventajas para este sector de la automoción, como ser el país más poblado del mundo, contar con conductores receptivos a las novedades y con cada vez mayor conciencia medioambiental o que el país tenga con un Gobierno fuerte capaz de controlar las empresas clave –infraestructura incluida–. Además, el país dispone con los medios necesarios que impulsen la construcción de puntos de carga para los coche eléctricos por todo el país.
Metalicity shares rise on drilling lithium pegmatites; moving onto cobalt
Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Email Print Download PDF version 12:10 25 Sep 2017
Samples are currently being assayed with the results expected by month-end.

Drilling at Kyarra Cobalt Project starting soon
Metalicity Ltd (ASX:MCT) has successfully completed its lithium drilling program at the Pilgangoora North Project in Western Australia, with the drilling intersecting pegmatites in every hole.

The company also received the last remaining regulatory approvals paving the way for its maiden drill program at the Kyarra Cobalt Project in the Yerrida Basin, Western Australia.

Metalicity’s shares were last trading circa 11% higher intra-day, at $0.049.

The Pilangoora North project was acquired by Metalicity in January 2017.

The company has already identified and mapped significant lithium bearing pegmatites during its field exploration at the project.

The southernmost pegmatites are located 1 kilometre along strike to the north from the Lynas Find deposit, where intersections including 21 metres at 2.64% lithium have been recorded.

Metalicity’s initial 500-600 metres drilling was aimed at testing for mineralised pegmatites extending north into the southern parts of the tenement below the pegmatites already mapped at surface.

The drilling intersected pegmatites in every hole, and samples are currently being assayed with the results expected by month-end.

The Kyarra Cobalt Project is considered highly prospective for structural/stratigraphic-controlled copper-cobalt and potentially nickel-cobalt mineralisation.

The initial 1,800-metre reverse circulation drill program at Kyarra will commence shortly.
Lithium Price Breakout Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 21, 2017 at 7:14PMTweet

The price of lithium is breaking out!
And from here, prices for the energy metal are set to absolutely explode!

You absolutely will not want to miss out on this opportunity. Lithium could very well turn out to be one of the biggest sleeper investments of the year. And in just one minute, I'll tell you exactly how to start investing today.

But first, take a look at this chart...

The price of lithium has increased over 50% since the beginning of the year. But this is only the beginning. And that's simply because the market is positioned to see a torrential flood of new demand for the energy metal, putting lithium in the catbird seat for outrageous gains.

Not long ago, lithium was hot. Everyone was talking about it. Lithium was on the cover of every magazine and newspaper in the country. The talking heads on CNBC and other financial media wouldn't stop discussing it. My parents were asking about it.

But today, only smart investors are still paying attention. Most of the market is distracted by Bitcoin, Antifa, or some other such nonsense. But while they chase invisible coins and spin their wheels bickering with each other, we should be taking this opportunity to quietly invest in the real future they're ignoring: lithium.

The truth is, all of the hype surrounding lithium was, and still is, very well deserved. Lithium is nothing less than the energy metal of the future. And already, the metal has changed the way we live. There's no doubt you're surrounded by lithium right now. It's in your cell phones, laptops, tablets, digital cameras, power tools... basically anything with a battery.

But the lithium-ion market is still rapidly expanding. According to a new report, the global lithium-ion battery market is expected to grow from $22 billion last year to nearly $100 billion by 2025!

There's no doubt we're still in the very early stages of the lithium revolution. And it's one that's being driven forward by the proliferation of electric vehicles.

The Best Free Investment You'll Ever Make
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You'll also get our free report, Lithium: Invest in the World’s Energy Future.

The Era of the Combustion Engine Is Ending
The steam engine was great. But the fossil fuel combustion engine replaced it with more power and better efficiency.

Soon, the fully electric engine will replace the combustion engine with even more power and better, cleaner efficiency.

And every single one of them will be lithium-dependent. One electric car requires about 3,000 times the lithium needed for an average cell phone.

Just last week, China (the world's largest automotive market since 2008) announced plans to end the production and sale of all fossil fuel vehicles. As a result, investors put over $40 million into Global X Lithium ETF (NYSE: LIT) last week.

But China isn't the only country with plans to ban fossil fuel engines. In July, Britain announced that it plans to ban the sale of fossil fuel vehicles by 2040. Two weeks later, France announced a similar goal. Meanwhile, Norway and the Netherlands are currently considering plans to end the sale of diesel- and gasoline-fueled cars.

The rest of the world is soon going to follow suit. The lithium-ion revolution is in full swing. But supply of lithium is expected to remain tight for the next several years. Just look at the U.S. Department of Energy's projections for supply and demand:

All this puts today's investors in an incredible position to profit. Energy Investor editor Keith Kohl tells me, “I haven't stopped watching the lithium market since it first popped years ago. But right now we're looking at an upheaval in demand for lithium. Today's investors will be tomorrow's millionaires.”

Keith recently put together an entire report on this explosive market, which you can check out here. In the report, he explains in much fuller detail the opportunities in lithium and lays out his three “Lithium Mega Plays.”

I highly urge you to read this report as soon as possible and act today.

Again, this is an opportunity you're not going to want to miss out on. We're sitting at the dawn of a major paradigm shift. The revolution is happening now. And it won't wait for you.

Don't get left behind.

Until next time,

Luke Burgess
Why the Galaxy Resources Limited share price is climbing again

Steve Holland | September 27, 2017 |
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The Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX: GXY) share price gained 5.27% to close on Tuesday at $2.55 as the lithium company continues to benefit from a series of announcements indicting shifts away from diesel and petrol fuel sources.

Galaxy Resources Limited is a global lithium company with mining interests in Western Australia, Canada and Argentina.

Lithium, with limited supply, strong demand and steady price increases over the past 10 years, is used to make batteries in cars, phones and other technology.

With plans to ban diesel cars in Britain and France and talk of China following suit, Australian lithium companies…

Galaxy Resources Limited
(ASX: GXY) share price gained 5.27% to close on Tuesday at $2.55 as the lithium company continues to benefit from a series of announcements indicting shifts away from diesel and petrol fuel sources.

Galaxy Resources Limited is a global lithium company with mining interests in Western Australia, Canada and Argentina.

Lithium, with limited supply, strong demand and steady price increases over the past 10 years, is used to make batteries in cars, phones and other technology.

With plans to ban diesel cars in Britain and France and talk of China following suit, Australian lithium companies have enjoyed solid gains over the past few months, although Galaxy Resources is still down from its monthly high of $2.82.