Malcolm Pryor DVD for sale


This is the cheapest Malcolm Pryor DVD on the internet. It typically sells for over £200 new and used.

I will send this recorded delivery at no extra cost to make sure it gets to you safely.

This is Malcolm Pryor’s short term trading DVD.

The DVD provides viable short-term strategies, that when practiced will make you money. This money will quickly go beyond the cost of the DVD. Also contained are lessons on how to effectively construct a strategy and execute it within a set of rules and framework that are key to becoming a consistent, disciplined and most importantly, a profitable trader.

Once you learn the strategies and take what you need or the DVD, you can of course sell it on.

The table of contents are the following:

- Introduction

- Building blocks of a system

- Key components of a system

- Generic formula for pullback patterns

- Detailed worked examples of stock trades, pullback patterns with special parameters

- Detailed worked examples of currencies and index trades, pullback patterns with special parameters

- Short term reversal trades

- Examples short term reversal trades in currencies and indices

Malcolm Pryor on Short Term Spread Betting DVD (9781906659509) | eBay