lower floor freehold sharer put up ugly sattelite dish


Junior member
I live in a victorian conversion flat. I'm on the top floor. Someone else on the lower floor. We are both owners and share the freehold.

A new guy moved in a few weeks ago. I've been busy and have not had a chance to meet him yet.

Last weekend he put up a satellite dish which is on a small inaccessible terrace outside my kitchen window. It's an eyesore and is attached the the outer wall of the first floor (is that legally my bit, or is everything just shared?).

Before I go and try to have a friendly chat with him, I'd like to know what my legal position is if he's unfriendly.
better still.buy a large magnet and place it just next to the satellite dish..
what would that do ? I don't know much about electronics. Would it work through an outer wall? There are no electronics on our side.
Those things look scary. If I have one in the same room as a laptop or network router, will it damage them?