Left Side/Right Side trading terminology


Junior member

I am unsure as to what the terminology means, could someone please explain, I am trying to read adn scim over many posts/treads and this gets mentioned a lot.

Delete this thread immediately or the site will explode from the sheer volume of lulz.

Did you really not know this? I mean, it's as clear as slapoopies.

I have to ask: What the f*** is going on here?
Uuuum, no?

Lol, I am not really active at all in the online community. I have only started peeking on here since yesterday when I was bored at work after month end reporting.

Just wanted to know what is meant by the terminology that is all. :p

Ok perhaps I am again failing in my wording, what I mean is that I assume this has sonmething to do with spread right aka buy and sell? But then I read someone mention left side trading or right side trading and Im like WTF?

Not sure if was just troll or serious? :-/
Uuuum, no?

Lol, I am not really active at all in the online community. I have only started peeking on here since yesterday when I was bored at work after month end reporting.

Just wanted to know what is meant by the terminology that is all. :p

Ok perhaps I am again failing in my wording, what I mean is that I assume this has sonmething to do with spread right aka buy and sell? But then I read someone mention left side trading or right side trading and Im like WTF?

Not sure if was just troll or serious? :-/


There is a well-known vendor who shall remain nameless. Let's just call him Mark Baghdady. No wait, that's too obvious. Let's call him Mike CapitalOfIraq-y.

He used to conduct webinars that were billed as an opportunity to watch him trade live. What he actually did was to point out retrospective trades that would have made one 300%, had one taken them.

These trades were all obviously to be found on the left side of the chart. It is an excellent approach of course, trading from the left side of the chart, because it virtually eliminates risk.

I believe that some members have tested the approach, and while it does indeed seem to result in few if any losses, sadly it has in practice failed to generate much if any profit.
Maybe I should start a new signal service:

Can't possibly be any less lulzy that the recent round of threads here.

I see leftsidetrader.pro is available. Sounds good because I would certainly have to claim I am a pro with no looses :)

I don't see leftsidetrader.lulz (n)

Hi alex, you may hear some people talking about lefthand side (LHS) and righthand side (RHS) with respect to orders (sometimes on commentary websites) eg 'LHS looks spoofy' (or whatever) and that is referring to the bid order quantity perhaps about to pull, offer is righthand side. I believe the sceptics use it, never heard anyone from uk use it.
But slappoopies left side is unique to mike, he has copyrighted that partic technique in analising price behaviour.
Hitting the backside is always a win (y)


I assume this is where the globally recognised official trading term 'the market is getting spanked' comes from.....hitting the backside. I live and learn.
The way I understand it is right side trading refers to trading using the right side of the brain..the right side is impulsive and uses feeling.
Left side trading is using the left side of the brain..the rational thought driven Side.

The former turtle trader Curtis Faith has written a book on the topic called trading instincts if you would like to read more.