Latest Info from Hyperserver..


Well-known member
From reading some posts here I thought it might be useful to provide a copy of an email I received today from Hyperserver...

Dear Sir,

HyperServer Lite for TWS is not longer listed as free tool. Still available a free product, just for all registered users until Dec 2006. You can consider two versions:

1. HyperServer Lite: this version allows to collect live data only from TWS Servers into your TradeStation/MetaStock 2. HyperServer 3.0: the new version allows to collect live and historical data from TWS.

HyperServer 3.0 price is Eur 96 including Life Time License, unlimited email support and minor version updates.

HyperServer Lite version is also available as commercial product at Eur 50.

No money back is provided for purchased software.

The order form with included price list is attached hereto.

You can also order online the product:

HyperServer 3.0 for TWS & MetaStock:

HyperServer 3.0 for TWS & TradeStation 2000i:

HyperServer Lite for TWS & MetaStock:

HyperServer Lite for TWS & TradeStation 2000i:

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us immediately

Yours Sincerely,
Robert Giordano
HyperTrader Tech. Support
Email: [email protected]
Int. Phone: +1 505 514 0203
Italy: +39 0171 262253
Africa and Middle East: +254 722 332756

At least this clarifies the situation.


evostik said:
From reading some posts here I thought it might be useful to provide a copy of an email I received today from Hyperserver...

Dear Sir,

HyperServer Lite for TWS is not longer listed as free tool. Still available a free product, just for all registered users until Dec 2006. You can consider two versions:

1. HyperServer Lite: this version allows to collect live data only from TWS Servers into your TradeStation/MetaStock 2. HyperServer 3.0: the new version allows to collect live and historical data from TWS.

HyperServer 3.0 price is Eur 96 including Life Time License, unlimited email support and minor version updates.

HyperServer Lite version is also available as commercial product at Eur 50.

No money back is provided for purchased software.

The order form with included price list is attached hereto.

You can also order online the product:

HyperServer 3.0 for TWS & MetaStock:

HyperServer 3.0 for TWS & TradeStation 2000i:

HyperServer Lite for TWS & MetaStock:

HyperServer Lite for TWS & TradeStation 2000i:

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us immediately

Yours Sincerely,
Robert Giordano
HyperTrader Tech. Support
Email: [email protected]
Int. Phone: +1 505 514 0203
Italy: +39 0171 262253
Africa and Middle East: +254 722 332756

At least this clarifies the situation.



Yes I got the same email, but I then wrote back and said I wasn't prepared to buy any software "blind" and if I could have a demo/trial, and when they wrote back no can do I decided not to go ahead.
samtron said:
Yes I got the same email, but I then wrote back and said I wasn't prepared to buy any software "blind" and if I could have a demo/trial, and when they wrote back no can do I decided not to go ahead.

Hi Evostik,

i am using hyperserver 3.0 at the moment , so far it seem to be working well, the support has been very good .

I will let you know in a few days when I have TS working properly.

Hyperserver 3

ianp said:
Hi Evostik,

i am using hyperserver 3.0 at the moment , so far it seem to be working well, the support has been very good .

I will let you know in a few days when I have TS working properly.


Hi Ian,

I was thinking of using Hyperserver but I have little confidence in it. I have been told it filter tick data from IB in 2sec blocks. What is your experience using it to fill historical intraday data. Please advise. Thank you.
Hi Zeos6 - I have been using Hyperserver for a few days now. The support is great. They logged into my machine remotely and did the setup and have done the same for me with a couple of teething problems. They are about to release an updated API for IB TWS which will automate the history side. I have no real problem with live data but I am struggling with US historical data due to IB TWS changing some parameters. Hyperserver will have this sorted (they tell me) tomorrow though. All-in-all i give it a thumbs up at the moment but if you ask me again mid next week I can give you a more definitive view.


evostik said:
Hi Zeos6 - I have been using Hyperserver for a few days now. The support is great. They logged into my machine remotely and did the setup and have done the same for me with a couple of teething problems. They are about to release an updated API for IB TWS which will automate the history side. I have no real problem with live data but I am struggling with US historical data due to IB TWS changing some parameters. Hyperserver will have this sorted (they tell me) tomorrow though. All-in-all i give it a thumbs up at the moment but if you ask me again mid next week I can give you a more definitive view.



Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info. The reason this came up is that I have been having HUGE problems with Hyperserver and Globalserver (GS) to feed Prosuite 2000i. One issue I now have is backfill of data. I use Hyperserver Lite but it disconnects at 4:15pm and again at midnight when IB does maintenance. It will not reconnect the GS and I have to manually shutdown and restart to reconnect . This is a huge problem as I like to sleep and not have to get up to collect overnight data. Currently I get data from a friend but since his session times in GS differ from mine, Prosuite will not plot any data between midnight and 9:30 am even though the data is present in the GS database (as seen when I load historical data). So I thought to use Hyperserver 3 and download historical data when I get up in the morning. Here is the glitch. I have been told (and cannotconfirm this) that historical tick data fromIB is filtered in 2 sec blocks. That isnogood forme. I need to collect actual live data. So it seems that perhaps Hyperserver 3 will not give me what I need - it may, but I don't know and the company says no problems but ...... need to test it out. So please let me know how the Hyperserver works on tick data and if ithehistorical is same as live data. Incidentally, in researching this, I have become quite informed on some ins and outs of GS but none of this helps. My friend uses RTF data (i.e. collects from 0:01 to 23:59) but I use sessions (9:30 to 4:15 and 4:40pmto9:29 am the next day). Not having GS connected (it says it is but it is not) is driving me nuts. Any help you might suggest would be greatly apprecviated as would info on how Hyperserver 3 is performing. Thank you in advance.
Why do people keep on trying to use IB for data when it is simply not good enough if you are a professional trader ? I know many people who use Hyperserver with IQ and there are no issues including backfill.

Trader333 said:
Why do people keep on trying to use IB for data when it is simply not good enough if you are a professional trader ? I know many people who use Hyperserver with IQ and there are no issues including backfill.


Hi Paul,
Thank you for your email. I appreciate your input. I am not married to IB but their commissions are reasonably low on futures, options,etc. You can also trade various instruments through the same platform. That is nice. On the other hand, most of their tech people are next to useless. In fact,I knowmore than they do. Many of them did not even know that they save historical/backfill data. I have considered esignal but depending on the number of symbols you collect there can be delays in the feed. So, I am looking for an alternative data feed for Prosuite. I am not familiar with IQ. Is that a broker? Can you please point me to additonal info on IQ? Thanks for all your help.

P.S. Any thoughts on the issue that data willnot plot in Prosuite - probably since session times are different between the data I get from my friend versus the session times I have?
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I have considered esignal but depending on the number of symbols you collect there can be delays in the feed.
Have never experienced that, you must be running an awful lot of symbols at once, as I run about 30, or something else is causing the problem. As far as I know the data manager is designed to cope with in excess of 200 symbols, but I personally would have little or no need to be running anywhere near that at once.
roguetrader said:
Have never experienced that, you must be running an awful lot of symbols at once, as I run about 30, or something else is causing the problem. As far as I know the data manager is designed to cope with in excess of 200 symbols, but I personally would have little or no need to be running anywhere near that at once.

Perhaps it may be the variety of what I collect. I collect several foreign exchange instruments, several Canadian stocks, Venture exchange stocks, US stocks, futures and commodities. I also collect the data in several timeframes simultaneously. Perhaps that was the issue with esignal. Thanks for the suggestion.
Zeos6 said:
Perhaps it may be the variety of what I collect. I collect several foreign exchange instruments, several Canadian stocks, Venture exchange stocks, US stocks, futures and commodities. I also collect the data in several timeframes simultaneously. Perhaps that was the issue with esignal. Thanks for the suggestion.
If it is something you are interested in finding an answer to, may be worth posting on their forum, support has always been good there when I have had issues, there is also a thread on here somewhere which eSignal personnel respond to. I use multiple timeframes, but do not have the diversity of markets and instruments you are looking at, so I don't know if that causes a problem. Timeframes shouldn't be an issue as if you have a symbol up the data is continuously streaming irrespective of what timeframe you are charting it in. Sorry can't suggest anything else.
roguetrader said:
If it is something you are interested in finding an answer to, may be worth posting on their forum, support has always been good there when I have had issues, there is also a thread on here somewhere which eSignal personnel respond to. I use multiple timeframes, but do not have the diversity of markets and instruments you are looking at, so I don't know if that causes a problem. Timeframes shouldn't be an issue as if you have a symbol up the data is continuously streaming irrespective of what timeframe you are charting it in. Sorry can't suggest anything else.

Thank you fro your reply and suggestion. I will check into Esignal and their forum. Perhaps it is the variety. It might also occur in fast markets but I will have to investigate this.