Try a proper extreme sport. I have countless scars to prove I've done such things. There was a time that on a cold, miserable evening like one that's approaching tonight, I'd be out trying to injure myself with friends.
Try a proper extreme sport. I have countless scars to prove I've done such things. There was a time that on a cold, miserable evening like one that's approaching tonight, I'd be out trying to injure myself with friends.
Try a proper extreme sport. I have countless scars to prove I've done such things. There was a time that on a cold, miserable evening like one that's approaching tonight, I'd be out trying to injure myself with friends.
I tried searching for this one clip on metacafe that i saw a year or so ago, of this kid doing the parkour stuff. He was doing back-flips in the park while someone passed a soccer ball to him, and he kick it into orbit mid back-flip, then he was in the gym doing other stuff......but i couldn't find it, but that was one of the best i've seen.