Not sure how many people got the email from JayJay (now known as wallstreettrading) trying to sell Grey's code. This is after him recently stating that Grey told him explicitly not to use it for commercial purposes! I don't know if Jason is intentionally putting himself on the spot continuously but in my opinion he is definitely NOT doing himself any service. Personally I will not be going for Jason's sale bonanzas. So I am ....... OUT!
I was mulling over whether to start this kind of thread. but since you have done it....
I have also received such a proposition via youtube. (too long to show here)
"grey has seen the kind of person i am and liked my honesty and realised how because i say what i feel is actually not a bad trait, at least ive never back stabbed him and also told him straight. I feel like ive won lottery i must admit and im going to kick some ass from these studies. have a great xmas yourself and a very properous new year
grey1 is a very generous person and wanted to change my life.
I have agreed with him never to disclose the code or sell on in any way which i will not, the ideas was that members eventyally benifit from the calls it made"
Now, apart from the fact that grey1 was willing to help out traders selflessly via paltalk, so there is no need to buy anything, and T2W is still missing a star member, jayjay121 is clearly reneging on his earlier position of NOT selling the code.
this code can be "mostly" replicated with Grey1s help anyway, although it wont be automated.
He described an event whereby he lost money because of grey1s calls. well, so he made a loss? whats so weird about that.
I just want grey1 back at T2W.
NB: he is offering to sell the code for £5K, and ONLY to 5 members. and a room to hand-hold.