Yes - i agree with neil that scratching around for info. and
gaining benefit from others who post here, plus learning from
your own mistakes
is the way forward. So, in
answer to GURMAIL my accuracy range isn't brill but that's
because i haven't got enough experience to explot the
candlestick signals. As Chartman has stated you have to get
to really understand all the nuances of an indicator(s) before
you can really profit from their use.
As for spending £1,000+ on a course?, my view is that i prefer
to split that into 4 lots and then open a 500 point bank @50p
per point and learn from your mistakes. From my own experience
there is one heck of a jump from paper trading - which is vital -
to actually putting your money down. I reckon by the time i'll be
replenishing my account for the 4th time - i'm still on the 1st lot -
i'll have learnt a lot more than from a short course.