Hi, I just wanted opinions on whether this is allowed. Say you are trading a stock that has a huge announcement coming up. Such as Citigroup on friday, which turned out to plummet 50% in premarket.
My question is, if you had gone long and short this stock with a even amount each way the day before, covering the possibility that this news was already priced in and it would go up, but also covering this possible drop. but then setting a guarentted stop loss at 10% away on each trade. Now if it goes down your short position would have made 50% but the long position would have got stopped out at -10% and your broker taken the 40% hit (with the paid for gaurenteed stop loss). If you have a hugely leveraged position, I can see this being a good way to trade big news on banks when announcements are coming.. theres often an unforseeable swing upto 30% either way before markets even open.
Would this be allowed or is your broker likely to close your account for this?
My question is, if you had gone long and short this stock with a even amount each way the day before, covering the possibility that this news was already priced in and it would go up, but also covering this possible drop. but then setting a guarentted stop loss at 10% away on each trade. Now if it goes down your short position would have made 50% but the long position would have got stopped out at -10% and your broker taken the 40% hit (with the paid for gaurenteed stop loss). If you have a hugely leveraged position, I can see this being a good way to trade big news on banks when announcements are coming.. theres often an unforseeable swing upto 30% either way before markets even open.
Would this be allowed or is your broker likely to close your account for this?