Is it just me or ??


Well-known member
I have not been using this site for all that long but I detect that most of the newer / traders are going straight for Spread Trading / FX and such like High risk leveraged products straight from the off ???

Am I not alone in thinking that this might be a bit risky :smart: ??

My point is that how many of the "survivors" out there began in such a way, without learning even the basics of financal management and hedging strategies ? some of these guys dont even know when they are naked ?

I am begining to think that I might start my own SB ...
A lot of the businesses have advertised quite a bit. Darren Winters and friends are also advertising a lot. All this talk of oil and gold hitting new levels has got newbies greedy.
Think it's quite obvious, wanna learn how to trade forex and there's an endless supply for fantastic, free, paid, crappy info out there to learn.I tried to find some info in equal measure to learn futures and it's really hard, the best info so far I have found is from this forum.

I do agree though, I wish I found the FTSE 100 before I found GBP/JPY!
Forex and spreadbetting have low barriers to entry - at least in terms of initial account deposits. That sucks in a lot of folks with dreams of running $500 up to $5 million.
your not wrong... there is a guy on this site who is talking about having a 6000 point stop loss.!!! .. it madness... but I suppose they are easy meat for the SB companies... sad really