Investing in Emerging Markets


Junior member
New thread to get some discussion going on property investments in emerging economies like China, India etc.....
If anyone has any interesting thoughts, questions, or experiences of investment in emerging markets, you may discuss here...

I visited India a couple of months ago with a keen interest on the property market especially in and around Delhi and Jaipur- (The new capital of tourism).
Through speaking to friends, locals, and some experts, I learnt that the country seems to have reached a short term peak in prices in the major cities (Delhi, Bombay, Goa, Chennai, Bangalore etc..). And, Im sure that we are all aware of the boom in prices of properties over the past decade or so in India. However, whilst the economy continues to expand at ever higher levels, foreign investment into the country is destined to increase in to the near future.
My close friends and family are ever so busy buying into cheaper properties slightly on the outskirts of the major cities (expecially Delhi), and enjoying immense profits by selling onto foreign investors (mainly big corporations). By the way, these cities are mysteriously expanding into their outskirts.
The methodology of their investments involve buying into properties prior to construction (pre-plan). This enables them to recieve an almost guranteed profit (20% min. increase) potential once the construction is completed and ready for sale. Demand is ever so high from foriegn corporations around the world!

Just tht I would share this with those who may not be aware of the great opportunities available outside of U.K & U.S