Introduction by Versace


Hello T2W and members, over the past few weeks I've been digging through your highly educational threads and decided to register. I want to thank you T2W and your members for taking the time to put together such informational threads.

I thought I would take the time to introduce my self and hopefully make some good friendships here.
I'm 24 years old, living in Australia.
I am a newbie in this area trying to expand my knowledge by following a free course on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) as well as reading a lot of threads and researching google.
I'm have non paid memberships on CMC markets & TradingView, basically I just browse around and become more familiar with these 2 platforms.
Just recently I've been playing around on TradingView becoming more familiar with the Indicators and strategies. If you have an indicator or strategy that you first learnt to read before you progressed on to others feel free to share.
I'm still trying to find where I'm going to begin my journey and what will suit my needs, I still haven't got a plan as I'm still looking for what I'm going to start my trading career on. So I'm still a long way from getting more involved. The more knowledge the better off I will be before I start. It looks like its a big field and something that I will never stop learning, I'm going to find my area and focus on that for the long haul. I'm not looking to burn my money on pro subscriptions until I've covered a good base and understanding of the field.

If you want to share where you started off in your journey, what helped you progress the most and where your at now.

Is there any traders / day traders who chill on teamspeak or a group chat. Build friendships with members of T2W. I could probably host a team speak channel for those interested if you aren't already involved in a group.

Look forward to the day that I'm knowlegable enough to provide qaulity posts and threads.
Anything else you guys want to share about yourself or talk about in this thread go for it.
Nice to meet you all.