never heard of them.

Looks like a 'trading exchange' which is the business model tried by others. Works for sports with Cantor but Binexx failed miserably with financials (now using normal SB model under family Ctiyindex umbrella). Problem is liquidity for financial binaries, you need constant prices therefore it will only work if they allow some traders to link in their price models direct to the exchange.

I've just looked at the FTSE and DAX prices, nothing there.

Also pricing in Dollars will put many off in the UK.
How well does Betfair perform on their financial bets?
Any information would help me decide on opening an account with them!
Thanks, Andrew
akinkead72 said:
How well does Betfair perform on their financial bets?
Any information would help me decide on opening an account with them!
Thanks, Andrew

Betfair is a pure exchange that is best suited to daily or hourly bets on FTSE and Dow. Because there are no market makers, there are also no spreads, so if you wish to trade at a particular level and it is attractive to someone a trade takes place. Volumes in the hourly betting often reach £100,000 plus.

If you are looking for more things to trade ie options etc then I would suggest IG Index or Binarybet (same company different format). IG are a market maker so you will have to trade on their spread price but the range of products they have is immense.

Personally if I was you I would open up accounts with both and see how you get on. It doesn't cost anything. Companies like Intrade are really bad value and if you are serious about trading they are not an option.
Thanks for the information Nutter Punter!
I will open accounts at both and see how things work out!
Intrade is under the same umbrella as Tradesports and TradebetX.
All the numbers are the same as Tradesports but just under a different format.