Intraday charts subscription - alternative?


Junior member
As I'm starting out, I don't want to subscribe to intraday/real time charts but am I doomed without such tools? I know yahoo or FT or certain others have so-called intraday charts but they're pretty poor.
Should I stop being a cheapskate - will I only benefit if I put my hand in my pocket?
Best regards to all.

I think the experts will reply that it depends on what you want to trade and the time frame that you want to trade in

Before you shell out have you tried trading using any of the free sites untill you build up some experience?



Unless you are intending to day trade would you not be better just to start on EOD.
You can get some of this data for free.

Iain - what's EOD? Hope you're a Rovers fan (sorry, trading purists - I know it's not a football site).
DC - cheers mate. Will try it.
Bracke - you may have seen me "observing" and the occasional post on the FTSE Indices thread. My first excursions into trading have been on the Intraday and monthly FTSE/Dow. Obviously, I've tried to clean up some of my losses through some oil money!!

I do not think that you need to buy software and streaming data to trade the monthly indices.
The time frame allows you to use free sites to follow your trades.

If you want to trade on an intraday basis you could do so but would have difficulty if you want to follow the market closely and employ technical analysis to analyse entry and exit points.

I am not a day trader as such perhaps if there are others who do day trade without TA software and streaming data they could let us know how they operate.


Paul has already answered your question regarding EOD. Many books/traders say if you can't trade off EOD then you won't be able to trade intraday. ie if you lose in one timeframe your just as likely to lose in another.
No not a Rovers fan - a Liverpool fan. My daughter deserted me and supports Rovers because all of her friends support them.

Forgot to mention - when i started out last year i began on the indices myself, i did ok for a while myself then started to give it back. I now trade just on FTSE350 shares which are less volatile and i find it a lot easier to place stops. On the DOW it is so difficult to place stops when trading EOD because of the volatility.

I suppose I should add that I can find lots of US sites which give decent info on US stocks but not much on the FTSE. In addition, to dc's suggestion (site seems to be in its infancy), does anyone know of other sites?
Hi all,

Doesnt ADVFN do real-time data ? I access it each evening for the Dow, and get realtime streaming data.
The charting is a bit naff.
But it is free. You can upgrade once you feel ready.
Hi - what is the difference between 'End Of Day' and 'Intraday'. I think I understand End of Day (take a position which closes out/makes up at the market closing level) but not so sure about how Intraday works.
In the context of this thread we are talking about the data supplied to feed your chart package.
This can be either in end of day format for any particular stock/indices ie you get the open, high, low, close, volume data for each day.
Or, you can get intraday data, where you can get OHLCV figures for each tick, 1min, 5min, 30min etc, etc

Ah, I see, iainpw - thanks. Can anyone also explain the mechanics of the difference between intraday trading and end of day trading?