IG Index on the move


Junior member
I've tried the IG client on my Sony Ericsson P910 and it works fine but the charts are static and unusable. Does anyone have a setup that works with one of the more modern phones that allows access to the java charts with indicators ?

I notice that they have an optimised site for the iphone but I'm guessing that it won't include charts because the iphone doesn't support java applets.

Has anyone tried one of the new android phones like the HTC Magic or Hero ?


I noticed they were static. Not a problem really... did you want to scalp on your PDA??
Yes I suppose so - I noticed that currencies tend to have trend cycles of an hour or so. So it would be good to monitor them using MACD and then close / place the trades when the trend reverses.

Even for daily trades rather than intraday wouldn't you want to see what the indicators are showing ?
I don't use indicators. Do IG's charts not show indicators?

If you trade FX get a demo account with Alpari, then you can download Metatrader for your PDA.