Think about it.
Get a bank up and running so we can borrow at london libbor rate and lend out at 6% intrest.
Pay a good rate on any savings together with accepting most new mortage aplications.
After year one open up a trading floor, first futures, then currencies/comodities after year 2&3.
This all sounds feasable in todays market place, I wonder how dose one go about it ?
Yes going to an adviser makes good sense, however dose anyone have any other sugestions ?
Get a bank up and running so we can borrow at london libbor rate and lend out at 6% intrest.
Pay a good rate on any savings together with accepting most new mortage aplications.
After year one open up a trading floor, first futures, then currencies/comodities after year 2&3.
This all sounds feasable in todays market place, I wonder how dose one go about it ?
Yes going to an adviser makes good sense, however dose anyone have any other sugestions ?