I have found a great free online magazine

I found a great trading magazine at www.pitnews.com Its free and cover alls aspects of the market.. all you have to do is sign up and it arrives in your inbox.. I have found it incredibly helpful...

There is a great Article on eur/usd this month by John Alesia check it out

Happy trading!
Hey yeah

No im neither

just a keen Fx trader learner gathering up all free available resources.. along with free online education. The magazine is great and even though I'm still learing I found the articles insightfull

I just thought I pass on the juicey information is all..

Why did you ask?
pipsqueakmaster said:
Hey yeah

No im neither

just a keen Fx trader learner gathering up all free available resources.. along with free online education. The magazine is great and even though I'm still learing I found the articles insightfull

I just thought I pass on the juicey information is all..

Why did you ask?

We get 3 or 4 people a week pushing this and that ,
and we get a bit cynical about things ,
when you have been on this board a while, you just about see every scam