How to short JGBs


I am negative on JGBs in the long term. What would be the best way to profit from a rise in JGB yields? What would be the most suitable strategy for the individual investor such as myself?
1. A CTA fund that shorts JGB futures.
2. Could I sell short an exchange traded note? JGBL and JGBT are two traded on the NYSE
3. A self directed futures account.
I am a U.S. citizen, so spread betting and CFD trading is not an option to my knowledge.
I am a 20 year old engineering student with an interest in the markets. As such I do not have a lot of experience. I am looking at diversifying my father's retirement portfolio.
It's tough, as there are few alternatives that don't involve frictions etc... I think you may find a couple of threads here that might have smth on this.
Thank you Martinghoul. Yes I have read a few threads on here about this subject. In fact that is how I found these forums. I have read a few articles recently about corporations as well as the Government Pension Investment Fund no longer purchasing JGBs. Also the earthquake/tsunami will cause more government spending. So we have decreasing demand which should continue as the population ages and an increasing supply as Japan rebuilds. I am currently leaning towards the CTA route, but not before I learn more about the risks.