How to maximize your profits


Here is a cash back program where you at no cost at all can claim some of the brokerage fees back from the broker:

Broker cash back program

This is a very good way to get back some of the money that you pay your broker

For example, if your turnover is 20 Lots per month and if the spread is 4 pips this means that you actually pay 800 dollar per month in transaction costs. With the Broker Cash Back Program, you are essentially receiving a discount on the brokerage commission cost.

Fx Open and FXCM are for example offering a discount of 0,6 pips per lot. If your turnover is 20 Lots per month this means that you will receive a USD 120 cash back discount every month.

The following brokers are currently connected to the program:

Alpari UK
MB Trading
PFG Express
Gallant FX
PFG Express

You get your cash back bonus monthly either by Paypal, Check, Bank Wire, or Liberty Reserve

With Forex trend you can be very profitable and you can pile up huge gains. But for that you need to have the mental discipline and confidence to follow the trends. You need to accept that when the trend does change you are going to give back a big chunk as it turns.
Keep in mind if you caught just 50% of every major forex trend, you would make a lot of money.
Yes, my broker will give you $500 instantly on $2500, $30 on $200 and there are other offers available also.

And the condition is to place min one trade in the month before you can withdraw. I don't think you can beat this as it is easy money. And they are very nice guys too.
Maximize your profits...


By staying with the profitable positions during trending phase of the market!

my broker wil give u $20 on deposit of $100.they have best execution and copmatitive spread.there is no condition for the withdraw any time u can withdraw ur money with any condition along with the bonus.
you wil find them the best in the forex market.

Yes, my broker will give you $500 instantly on $2500, $30 on $200 and there are other offers available also.

And the condition is to place min one trade in the month before you can withdraw. I don't think you can beat this as it is easy money. And they are very nice guys too.
Crazy game of brokerage

my broker wil give u $20 on deposit of $100.they have best execution and copmatitive spread.there is no condition for the withdraw any time u can withdraw ur money with any condition along with the bonus.
you wil find them the best in the forex market.

Sounds like their pretty confident that their clients will lose money!
What would they give me on 150K ?

If every a/c at these bucket shop brokers made profit they would go out of business!

if there client lose money its nt broker due to broker. they will lose there money due there own risk.
if there client win money would they gve share in there profit to the broker.its not they way. i just tell u the quality of my broker

Sounds like their pretty confident that their clients will lose money!
What would they give me on 150K ?

If every a/c at these bucket shop brokers made profit they would go out of business!
Thats mean that the broker has some great importance in the Forex trading and that is awesome to find the trusted and good brokers here with some of the best profit , Really beneficial for the beginners.Thanks for sharing.