How to detect Forex Scam


Junior member
Many traders come with false hopes of making millions of dollars, but in reality, lack the discipline required for trading. Regrettably, all of these new trading opportunities have created a lot of hype. This includes: magic trading formulas, "easy" indicators and expert trend predictors. There are now countless currency brokerages enticing potential traders to open accounts and start trading today.

The problem: Every day fraudulent investment offers are pitched at us. They come by telephone, through e-mails, in newspapers, magazines and late night television programs. Scam products and services are a huge market. One study by the Associated Press reported more than 150 Ponzi schemes collapsed in 2009 alone, resulting in $16.5 billion in losses. In the UK, the national fraud and internet crime reporting centre estimates that 1.2 billion is lost nationally to investment fraud every year.

Many people have started to get the feeling that trading currency is more of a scam than anything else. But this is nonsense. Successful trading -- and this includes Forex -- is possible. The problem is to detect all the scam and find the honest and ethical offers which do exist. Why is it possible that so many scammers are active in the first place? The answer is easy: The trading market in many countries is not that closely regulated... the Forex Market, not at all. If the broker is regulated in your region, your investment will be protected by financial authorities, to some extent. If not, it's more than likely that you are not adequately protected.

Many people sell products like software, indicators, and expert advisors - although they are of poor quality and are of no use for you. They know that beginners are desperately looking for the "Holy Grail" of trading... The indicator which guarantees to find the best entry and exit; The software, the algorithms of which will produce 90% winning trades; Or, the trading course which will teach you how to become a millionaire within four weeks.

I hear you saying, "How can I, as a beginner, recognize that a certain product or advisor is scam?" It is not as hard as you may think! You can follow some pretty simple rules and ask the right questions -- either to yourself or to the vendor of the service or product which is being offered. If you follow them, you should be able to detect most of the scam products.
General Warnings and Red Flags

No matter if you are given an offer to open an account with an investment firm or to buy a specific product like trading software or a trading system, you should always be very wary when you encounter one or more of these typical tactics of con artists when they approach potential investors:

Phantom Riches
Often scammers lead an expensive lifestyle with expensive cars, extravagant houses and even private jet(s). This is to brag and make you believe that you could have all these fancy things, too. They promise regular returns "without any risk". This is just nonsense! All investments have a certain degree of risk. If there were any such thing as a completely risk-free investment with big profits assured, do you think the scammer would want to share that information with any other investors? There's no free lunch! The higher the returns, the higher the risk. Even with legitimate investments, know the risk level you are taking and invest only what you are willing and can afford to lose. If the investment is really as profitable as the offer promises you, why do the investment promoters need to contact other people? Scammers are often vague about the investment and how it gives such high returns or will explain it in complex detail - but if you don't understand how it works, don't invest.

Source Credibility
You probably won't like reading this but, when it comes to money and investing, you should be especially wary when you are approached by good friends or relatives or a broker/investment advisor referred by one of your friends or family members. Fraudsters often act as members of your community (parish, golf club, friend of friends or relatives); they have been known to work their way into organizations and befriend members in order to sell them fraudulent investment products.

Ethnic newspapers and television 'infomercials' are sometimes used to attract Russian, Chinese and Indian minorities. Sometimes, these ads offer so-called 'job opportunities for account executives to trade foreign currencies'. The recruited 'account executive' is expected to use his own money to trade currencies and would often times be encouraged to recruit members like their friends and family to do the same. Hands off!

Social Consensus
"If everybody in my parish/club/family invests with this broker, it can't be wrong!" The pitch relies on the trust you place in your friends and the fear you may have of not keeping up with them financially. Watch out for this sneaky greed factor since fraudsters often pay out profits to early investors who unwittingly convince others to get on the bandwagon.

A broker or investment advisor may invite you to lunch - immediately you have got the feeling that you "owe" him something and have to invest in his products.

Scarcity/A demand for an immediate decision
The offer is limited in time or to a certain number of investors. Con artists often insist that you must make your decision immediately before the opportunity for fast profits disappears. If it is an honest and ethical offer, it'll still exist the next day. Never feel pressured to make a quick decision. Take your time and talk it over with an objective third party; someone who can check the facts regarding the investment opportunity. A real dealer is more concerned with keeping you as a customer for the long haul. He'll be patient while you check out his credentials and reputation. A phony dealer can't afford that luxury - he needs to get you on the hook right now, or risk losing his score. Keep in mind that authorized firms are unlikely to contact you out of the blue with investment opportunities. A legitimate company is also unlikely to use harassment, high-pressure sales tactics, or long and persistent phone calls, to get you to invest.

Request for a credit card number other than to make a purchase
A fraudster may ask you for your credit card number "for identification" or some other plausible reason. Whatever the ploy, once a swindler has your card number, you will likely see unauthorized charges appear on your statement.

Tip 1: Prevention is the key. Make yourself more invulnerable to scams. Reduce the number of unsolicited mailings and cold calls you receive by registering with the Telephone Preference Service and Mailing Preference Service in your country.

Tip 2: Be careful when a broker or investment advisor wants you to sign a "confidentiality contract". This might be a sign that he does not want you to talk about his investment scheme to others because neither he or his product is registered!

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