how does it actually all work?


so how exactly does it work?

1) where do you generate revenue from?
2) can you trade on behalf of other peole?
3) where do you hold your money?
4) to trade alone (just your own money ) do you need any type of fsa regulation.
%)how do you actaully start and how do you physically do it?

I know this thread is going annoy alot of people, but these are the questions i´d like answered. if anyone can help i´d appreciate it.
1. in trading there are always two parties to a trade - the seller and the buyer. The revenue for winning trades comes from the trading account balance of person who loses on any trade.

2. yes, depending on how you mean.

3. in an account - with the party who will execute your trades on your behalf - the broker.

4. no, nothing of the sort. you will be required to sign extensive acknowledgements stating you understand the risks and the risk of loss, but other than that theres nothing stopping you apart from capitalisation

5. suggest you browse this forum and start with the thread here:
you should buy a book about trading and start learning from it, I recomennd "Come into my trading room - dr.alexander elder" - nice readable book that is acually interesting.