How can you tell before voting if a poll is public or private?


Senior member
As far as I can tell, there is no way for anyone except the poll author, and presumably the mods, to determine in advance of voting whether a poll is public or private.

If it's public and they don't realise it, they may go and vote on a poll about which they would prefer to keep their vote to themselves.

Obviously if it is public, the author should make it clear, but he may forget, or not be competent or honest (very unusual on T2W of course, but it might happen...).

Or have I missed something?
at the top of a public poll there will be an advisory warning -

"Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected."

after voting there will be no warning notice - as i guess its too late by then lol - as you've voted in your latest poll you can't see the warning and where your concern stems from i think.
at the top of a public poll there will be a warning -

"Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected."

Cheers Lighting for the fast response.

I did a test poll before asking this, and I'm blowed if I noticed that, although I was looking for some indication.

Now you've told me, on a 2nd test, I can now see it.

Perhaps the lettering could be a bit bigger or more obvious in some way?

Anyway, thanks.