High Frequency Trading Software


Junior member
I am currently in talks with developers to build a high frequency trading software to help brokers and traders uncover trades and benefit from high frequency trading. Looking for anyone that can help me with this.........
Thanks, question. Are only the large stock trading firms doing HFT? Where would my market ly for this?
There are quite a few people on the forums here doing high frequency trading, and also on ForexFactory. Do a search for one minute timeframe, and scalping. Not sure how much money they'd have though . . .
How much would they pay for a software that could potentially help them automate everything? Sorry for all these questions.....
You mean like a virtual money machine? I'm not sure . . . the Forex Megadroid robot (95.82% accurate in every market condition) costs USD$97, however thats not really high frequency, but might be some guide.
I was thinking more along the lines of building the high frequency software custom built for each broker. For example, I would send flyers or contact stock brokers and let then know I can build them a custom solution HFT software on site......
Do you realize the magnitude of the task? Executing trades within some (small) real time limit is pretty easy stuff. Building the infrastructure for strategy development and testing and executing said strategies certainly isn't. Even high performance storage and retrieval of tick data is no trivial task.

Anyway, you should be aware of Esper: http://esper.codehaus.org/
Further to what I said about the difficulty of doing this. You would need a team of top class people, at least one of whom has done this stuff before. All would need backgrounds in real time or near real time systems. And they would cost serious money.

You would be dead in the water before you started with a bunch of visual basic hackers. Believe me, I've seen how bad poorly educated and unskilled VB hackers can be.

Unless you have more than what you are telling us, I think the whole thing is crazy.