Hidden Talents


Junior member
Have traders got a 'hidden talent' for multi tasking?
Go to the hidden talent(channel 4) website and try out their multi tasking test.

It tests you by making you complete 3 puzzles simultaneously.The site purports that someone that achieves a high score would be suited to a career like ambulance dispatching,air traffic controlling,fighter pilot e.t.c.
Would there be a high correlation for those that achieve high scores on this type of test and the ability to trade?
I guess i am trying to open the debate about which qualities and attributes make a competent trader and would multi tasking be one of those attributes?
If anything the test is good fun!
I tried the test 15 times and the average of my top three scores was 2850(it takes about 30 seconds each test).

Which apparently makes me an amazing multi tasker!But scores aside do successful traders have an innate talent to multi task or do wedevelop the skill as we grow as traders.
It would be good to get your feedback and see how you fair on the test....
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I can breath in and out continually AND put one foot in front of the other mostly when walking

thats 2 tasks .........hmmm what else ?

I can breath in and out continually AND put one foot in front of the other mostly when walking

thats 2 tasks .........hmmm what else ?


Just try the test this isnt a gender issue!!!!
Let me know how you get on
I can breath in and out continually AND put one foot in front of the other mostly when walking

thats 2 tasks .........hmmm what else ?


If you can can walk and chew gum ........... should be okay trading!