Help with horizontal lines!

Hi All,

As my name implies, I am a 'complete novice'
I have accidentally inserted (red) horizontal lines on Metatrader 4. On each attempt to remove them I simply added more lines!

Can anyone help?

Many thanks in advance......
If the price persistently fails to bounce off these lines offer a premium rate service for the 'secret' intermediary lines.
Worry about the failure of the price to ract with the secret intermediary lines after you've got their money.

N.B. Don't involve the police when you start getting threatened by your clients.
Alternatively, try double-clicking each line in turn and then pressing the 'delete' key on your keyboard.

It's quite easy to spot as it's got 'delete' written on it.

The keyboard is the thing between you and the screen.
Or, if you've got nothing else worth keeping on your screen (and I'm making a reasonably confident guess you haven't) simply press and hold the backspace key until all you've got left is the price.
Actually, I'll do you a favour and suggest you delete the price from the screen as well.

Save yourself a short but painful learning curve...
Double click and then press "Delete" button on your keyboard.

or double click on red line right click remove (or delete) 😛