Has this country gone mad?

tommog said:
Having said that though I read recently that the bottom 10% of society under Maggie Thatcher had more real disposable income than when they were employed under the previous socialist government.

Yes, I remember reading somewhere that the UK oil revenues started to flow about the time Maggie Thatcher came to power. She did a good job giving the money to the unemployed while reducing the numbers of nurses, teachers etc.

I am neither left or right wing. I think that all our politicians have wasted money and will probably continue to do so.

Not sure who made this quote but it is spot on:-

"Politicians are like nappies. They both need changing regularly and for the very same reason."
Can't do that Trendie,
that's how we cured the winter blues the last time round. No, what we need now is a big budget remake of 'Summer Holiday' with Cliff, Una Stubbs and Melvin Hayes doing their 'whacky teenage kids' stuff on an old bus. I see Nick Cage playing Cliff, Uma Thurman adding a darker note to Una's role, and possibly Nicole Kidman (voice over by Johny Vegas on helium) covering Melvin's part.
Im not against the Labour party or any of the three for that matter what I am against is the New Labour cr@@ with brown n blair bickering like a pair of pre school tots and more spin than the magic roundabout
Lets invade, sorry, liberate, Canada, since thats where most want to be.

Bagsy the helicopter gun-ship.

Lol ohhhhhh! I wanted that one

I think the answer lies in us forming a political party. Strange how the answer is so clear to us yet the men in charge dont see it. Makes you wonder what they know that we dont (or is that what we know and they dont?)
tommog said:
I think the answer lies in us forming a political party. Strange how the answer is so clear to us yet the men in charge dont see it.

UKIP is it.

Or it would be if they had the balls to come out and say what they believe. They know they'd get gunned down in minutes by the "liberal" (read: socialist) media that - get this - we pay for. Look forward to the day, coming soon, when the licence fee gets turned off, THEN we'll see a level playing field where opposing views can be aired and compete fairly in a market economy, like America. Turn off the NHS as well and let people pay for what they WANT to pay for - anything else is Nanny State-ism which is, literally, a form of imprisonment.
I were told London were paved wi gold like, an I went down there wunce to see. Ah reckon they took it up cos they knew a northerner were comin though and didn't want to get it too dirty in case me clogs weren't Sunday best.
Other than that I've t

Ay up - summit went screwy then - see next post for complete rant!
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I were told London were paved wi gold like, an I went down there wunce to see. Ah reckon they took it up cos they knew a northerner were comin though and didn't want to get it too dirty in case me clogs weren't Sunday best.
Other than that I've travelled mind, spent over a year in Doncaster area for a start - even met royals and the odd commissar. Funny old thing - get rid of one lot and an identical set take over.

Many posters on here enjoy the luxury of having some say in their own lives, whereas the horde tend to find it easier to do as directed and willingly hand all decision making over to authority. As a result some end up with a dozen kids and annual trips to Kenya to help them destress from having to go to collect DHSS benefit - but an awful lot live modestly, claim rather less than legally entitled to, and are worse off under any system than those of us who enjoy a good lifestyle.

There's never been a system that was actually fair as far as I know, I encourage all members at this time of year to reflect on how life might have gone - every government is composed largely of clowns, enjoy your power to avoid their worst excesses!

Happy Christmas to one and all, as I believe Tiny Tim (the Dickens version, not the chap with the ukelele from 40 years ago) used to say.
It's all very simple, decent folks cant afford to breed,the wrong sort of people are having kids . In short, we are becoming a nation of idiots :!:

Have a good one

tommog said:

mmm its getting more and more tempting

And more and more expensive.

I came to Spain 40 years ago and never regretted it but I integrated into the Spanish society, and now have three kids and two grandchildren. I have known retirees who have come out to live and they have all gone home after a few years. I think that they get lonely for their friends and relatives. As far as having a second home is concerned and travelling to and from, we have had a couple of flats down the coast and sold both of them. When you go for the weekend they have to be cleaned up, aired out. What kind of holiday is that? I have enough with my first home!

We are free of second homes, now. Get in the car and stay in a hotel or, in your case, maybe, fly out - fantastic value these days- and, perhaps hire a car for a few days. Just think of the freedom you have to choose where to go!
