Happy with your profits?

Jeff - Axiory

Active member
Hi everyone.

Are you satisfied with your Forex earnings?
Are you earning more or less than you were expecting before you started trading? :)

Kind regards,

Probably the greatest advantage of trading over salaried employment/conventional businesses that sell products or services is the scalability - ie we only have to trade more margin to earn more in the same amount of time. (Of course getting the psychology right to enable this may be a barrier initially - but barriers can be overcome with time/experience.) If you are giving up running a business or salaried employment - I see no point in making trading your career without the aim of wanting to significantly improve on the earnings/potential you had from either of those other income streams - and this is particularly the case as for most there is a long 'apprenticeship' involved in learning to trade when inevitably you will earn nothing/little and for most may see their net worth decrease during this time.

Once you have ' got it ' - you've got the keys to the kingdom.

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- ie we only have to trade more margin to earn more in the same amount of time. (Of course getting the psychology right to enable this may be a barrier initially...

It certainly is a barrier. I think a lot of people underestimate how serious this is.
Ok, rather than starting a new thread.

How many of you trade as a profession?

I don't mean people employed by a company to trade with client/company funds, I mean people actually trading with their own equity and who would consider their primary source of income trading on the foreign exchange market. How many people here (if any) fit that description? :|
I fit that decsription.

Ok, rather than starting a new thread.

How many of you trade as a profession?

I don't mean people employed by a company to trade with client/company funds, I mean people actually trading with their own equity and who would consider their primary source of income trading on the foreign exchange market. How many people here (if any) fit that description? :|
Yeah, if I compare my current performance for 2012 with my performance for 2011, I am quite happy. But that doesn't mean that I do not want higher profits.