Graphics card has screwed my pc


Established member
Hi im gonna be brief and hope someone can help

I fitted a graphics card that lets me use 2 screens. On installing i had problems and deleted the on board graphics driver to get my new one working. Anyway turns out i didnt see the CD supplied which installed the new cards drivers. I did this and the new card worked with 2 screens. The other day i decide to switch to just the 1 screen so i clicked on the graphics software and shut the 2nd screen down. Voila. As i was as using the 2nd as a clone the pc decides that this is the main so everything i try to do to change back i cant. Cant open anything as when i do it opens on the screen that has shut down so i cant access. Cant even access any bit of windows either I take the new card out expecting the old card to kick in but voila again i removed the driver to the onboards graphics card so no luck. I access the bios to switch to my old card but voila again, its not there as i deleted my on board drivers as above. Take to pc repair shop and they reckon they can fix but now they cant (tw*ts) as mentioned in another thread. Didnt back up any data or programs so m in sh*t street.

Anyway unless anyone can help i have a question. Ive ordered a new hard drive thats arriving tomorrow. I want to install my XP Pro onto this and plug my old HD in as a slave and then 1: access all my old files and transfer them to the new HD. 2: Copy the drivers from the graphics drivers on the new HD (if this can be done) to my old HD and then reboot after removing the new HD and hope this gets the PC working as normal or 3: Can i do windows install to repair the missing driver and carry on as normal with no data orprograms lost. 4: Can i re-install complete XP Pro and keep my old files and programs.

Really appreciate any help on this as it looks like im loosing all my files and programs from the last 2.5 years.

PS: ive already ordered an external back up drive for the future. I was doing this 3 weeks ago but never got there and hey what you think wont happen does.

Thanks in advance ( Sorry about the being brief bit-sort of dragged on)
If you want to use your old HDD as a slave make sure there are no passwords to enter Windows as it is now or you will not be able to access it.

Sounds like there's more to this than just a deleted driver, windows has its own proprietary drivers, that will drive most things, what did the PC repair shop say as a reason to why they could not fix the problem?
Hi Rogue,

JUst got my PC back from pc repair shop. They said they couldnt gain access as i never downloaded the latest windows download. Truth being that i have software on the machine that wont work with service pack 2 from windows so the IT dept had to delete it to get my work software going. The shop said they could fit a new HD and save all my old files and re-install XP Pro but ive just fitted the new HD myself and am installing XP and will use it as a slave as paul mentioned earlier. Does anyone know if i do a windows repair on my old HD will all the programs and data get wiped.