Good reading on U.S criminal justice

Oh, to follow on the previous (true) yarn, he assumed i was over the ,limit, which i wasn't-usual lecture about responsible driving etc, insurance claims, makes it messy for ambulance guys to get med's right etc. He had a point, sure, but then, I hadnt run off the road, had I?
On another occasion, i strolled around a city corner, to find, to my astonishment, two coppers, a wpc/bloke on the ground, patrol car with door open right there. So, i checked vitals, jumped on the car radio-once again, third degree bull****, they were-seemingly offended, someone, a member of the public might offer assistance. As in , TRULY offended. Evidently, pro radio people have this "thing" about saying "out" after a message, well mea culpa there, but its very important for some reason.
So, two officers down, in need of immediate assistance, again, given the third degree. "dont leave the scene", they said. Of course i wasn't going to leave the f%&*g scene, people needed help! So i suggested i would wait and attempt to render assistance, i couldnt beleive the reply-"what do you think you could possibly do?"
Uh, hello, maybe basic first aid, maybe get an officer to the radio, maybe stop whomever had done it from coming back in force, ambulance liason (the guy was unconscious, IIRC) couldn't do MUCH friggin worse than the two cops on the ground, no?
Jesus f'ing christ, there is no pleasing some people.
Hour or two later, after being effectively charged with the crime, threatened with decades in the clink for assualting police, in the time it took the actual officers to provide relevant statements that i actually was a good samaritan, eventually they realised they were entirely wrong about my actions, and was released. Thanks a bunch.

Never did find out, why they got taken down like that, nor by whom, i figure a serious crim would have nicked there guns, at the least, but nope.
Like the Mary Celeste.........another unsolvable mystery.
Thing is, had i been mentally ill, and been convinced by said questioning i had done it, i know damn well, they would have pressed ahead with prosecution, and ignored the injured officers testimony; that's how it works-they only care about "successful" prosecutions.
Facts don't actually matter.

So, when people say, they might not **** on them if they were on fire, well, they could find a way to screw you over anyway, same as any criminal enterprise, so at some point you have to balance these things, and act humanely, where possible.