Gone Stir Crazy! Jobs Website Recommendations?

Jack o'Clubs

Experienced member
The last couple of months have been tipping me towards the edge, and this week has thrown me over! Have finally gone doolally at the once-attractive prospect of sitting at home all day trading. It's not the results - doing fine - it's the lack of social interaction. I need to get back into the real world with the Arbitrageurs and GammaJammas before my legs and social instincts totally atrophy.

Obviously I've tapped up ex-colleagues and headhunters which are the most likely source, but I'm also looking online. FT Jobs, CityJobs, efinancialcareers seem to cover most of the bases, but anyone know of any important ones I've missed from that list?

Thanks in advance.
think you've covered the main bases with those sites...

you got a trading role in mind, or what are your plans mate?
thanks Arb. Thought so, but wanted to make sure.

Probably not trading as I don't have prior professional experience there - more the fund / portfolio management side.