Going back into the City


Active member
Hi there, after a bit of advice please.

First done my exams (regs and securities) back in 2002, got FSA approved person status to work as a private client broker until i left the City in 2008.

Got a little frustrated with the business of clients losing money, so thought i would try another career, long story short, bored of that, and have been offered a job back at a broking firm in the City.

My question is this, how long after i was last FSA regd as an approved person can i wait before i have to do exams again?

It also seems the exam structure has totally changed from when i took them 8 years ago.

Thank you for the help.
I guess it would depend on when the last firm took you off the register (or if the FSA does). I remember that with the current exams, if you are not in an approved person role within someting like 18 months of taking them then they are useless. I might be lying about that 18 months, maybe its 12. But maybe it's different if you took a different set of exams. Clear as mud, i know. Call the FSA or CISI, they normally get back to your emails in like a week.
2 years is probably slightly too long but as the other poster suggests call the FSA.
yup have done, they said it's down to the discretion of the new firm.

once you have passed the exams, that is it for the FSA.