FX / Prop Trading Courses



QQ for all well the well informed among you

Are there any actually beneficial / Legitimate FX / Prop Trading courses currently operating in London?

There seem to be so many it is difficult to identify the wood from the trees

Any feedback / experoences would be greatly appreciated!!!
There are complete scams that will take your money and disappear. There are others that will take your money and make some attempt to train you. Your chances of ending up being a successful trader after the course are probably in the zero to five percent range. In other words it will most likely be a waste of money so don't do it.
There are complete scams that will take your money and disappear. There are others that will take your money and make some attempt to train you. Your chances of ending up being a successful trader after the course are probably in the zero to five percent range. In other words it will most likely be a waste of money so don't do it.

Thanks for that, I have recently been called to interview to a legit Prop Trading company, not for a fortnight though and am looking to get up to speed as quickly as possible regarding basic Trading Strategies, any ideas on where the best place to start may be in terms of valuable sources of literature?