FX Forums



Are there any fx fourms on the net that are well contributed to.

This site is the best i have found but seems to cover every aspect of trading. Which makes less fx threads being posted.
Anyway, i think that T2W is the best but it's not specialized in forex only.
T2W website is more professionally arranged than the other, and covers more markets, US, UK, stocks, FX, etc.

There isn't really many aspects of FX anyway, even when you look at all the Forum sites they are usually talking about the same thing.
0FXTrader0 said:
Are there any fx fourms on the net that are well contributed to.

This site is the best i have found but seems to cover every aspect of trading. Which makes less fx threads being posted.

This board and EliteTrader have the best forex forums I'm aware of.
It would be nice to see some excitement in this forum, like, who has inside information about which company or which way the MPC is deciding in the coming meeting?
What anyone can see here in public forum is unlikely to be classified in the sense of "inside" which suspicious minds may form in their minds. Afterall, this is PUBLIC forum, any Tom, Dick or Henry can post something here, whether what is posted here is really useful, that's another matter.

Even if I were to post here eg. the whole secret of trading successfully for consistent profits is: eat the Hamburger, how many will believe or know how to apply it?
I thought taht Elite trader is the biggest one. But i see T2W has more members now!
Ayman said:
I thought taht Elite trader is the biggest one. But i see T2W has more members now!

hats off to t2w, allowing a thread to on letting people know who their competition is.

Yes agree useful material on t2w
The forums I like the best and enjoy reading are trade2win (this one :)), babypips, fxfisherman, forexfactory. But I think that there also other not bad forums, just I don't read them so often :) :):)
trade2win is my personal favorite but try forexpeacearmy and fxfisherman also very good sites