Futures Trading Questions


Hello everyone, First post here.

I have recently got into futures trading and am currently using FIRETIP software 'demo account'
I have come across a few things that I would be very grateful for someone to clear up.

Firstly. why does there seem to be a positive correlation between the $/euro currency futures. (currently at 1.4179) and the dow jones. I am right in saying that as the $/euro falls this means the $ is strengthening against the euro?
So why does the $ seemingly strengthen when equity prices fall (dow falls)

secondly, if I put in an order (using one click trading) how comes the next morning my trade has been closed out? Is this something to do with the trade being defaulted as a 'Day' trade. I thought this meant that the trade will be canceled if it is not filled by day end. It would appear that it also closes off the position at day end too? The closing position was selling Crude oil (09/11) at 06/23 22:14:51 at 92.25. Which also makes no sense to me as the price at this time was all the way up at 92.85 ish!

lastly, what is the difference between the down jones futures and the mini dow? also is the dow jones futures an expectation of where the dow is likely to be at the expiration date? I understand how commodity and STIR futures prices come about but am less shore with indicies.

Thankyou very much for any response!
Also how are trading fee's calculated. I notice on demo accounts there does not seem to be any commissions involved.

If someone could give an example of a trade and the commission. would be great.
How does this effect a scalper who may be making up to 100 trades in a day?
Is there a correlation between dow and $/euro? What time frame are you using? I presume you mean the euro/$ since $/euro is currently at 0.7.

I don't think too much should be read into the movement of the Dow. Most look at the S&P instead because the Dow is price weighted index.

If the $/euro falls, say it has fallen from 0.8 to 0.7, it means the $ has weakened since 1 dollar can only get 0.7 euros instead of previously 0.8 euros.

As to your other questions, might be better if you contact Go Futures instead.