Full-Time Trading for Testing

Re: Full-Time Wannabie for Testing

Also, just to add. I use ************ (www.**********.com)

anyone willing to work with me will need a copy of this. It cost $150 + VAT and is worth every penny.

If its discretionary trading is this software a requirement:!:, I.e apart from spending 40hrs a week instead of earning a living and /or trading.

There has been nothing posted to convince anyone other than the nieve hopeful that its worth pursuing.

If your serious, post a setup or two and you'll have the entire power of the forum behind you. I for one would be glad to offer any assistance.

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hello montmorencyt2w - i have responded to limey in private, i wish to keep my opinions on this matter to myself... hope you can respect that.
oilday trader and sven... you are right - it would aid my request to post some set-ups on how i trade - i will do this in the coming days.
regarding the software, firstly it's a good piece of kit - and useful for any trader. i would hope that the person who wishes to work alongside me would get it, for the minimal expense it costs it's worth every penny.
in terms of success, i would save i'm moderately successful, in that im profitable. i do not claim to be a super trader, more an improving trader looking to increase my experience.
this exercise is about mutual benefit and improvement, yes i would be happy to mentor someone who needed it, but im more looking for a peer, someone of a similar level, where we can push each other. i'm willing to give up a lot of time for this and i would hate to think this is in any way one sided, whoever wants to be involved would get as much - if not more, from me than i would from then.