Full Time Forex Traders


Junior member
Hello all

Is there any full time forex traders here. We seem far and few between in comparison to other 'market' traders.

I would like to discuss on this thread your thoughts on why you think this is and also the dead end that full time forex traders go through for profit.

Come on now all you full time forex traders come out of the woodwork and show yourselves lol
forex trading since 89? excellent. Have you ever dabbled in any other markets. What do you think are the main obstacles faced when forex trading full time?
dwaine said:
What do you think are the main obstacles faced when forex trading full time?

main obstacle faced when trading full time is trading full time (instead of go fishing, cycling, socializing etc). Apart from that I don't see any other obstacle
I trade full time. The business of trading is no different than any other successful undertaking. Look in any field and you will see that only a very small percentage are willing to do what it takes to realize their goals. In any business, people see the hope for a path to riches and may not admit it but they want it NOW, not yesterday. Restaurants come and go, the neighborhood shops that don't make it. Everyone has a dream and this business is no different. The success rate will always hover around 5% of all.

dwaine said:
Hello all

Is there any full time forex traders here. We seem far and few between in comparison to other 'market' traders.

I would like to discuss on this thread your thoughts on why you think this is and also the dead end that full time forex traders go through for profit.

Come on now all you full time forex traders come out of the woodwork and show yourselves lol
To be a full-time, independent trader, you need to make sure you have the personality requirements. I'm thinking specifically of working alone, being alone, all day, every day. It's tough on some people, including myself. I certainly underestimated how much I need to be around people on a regular basis, which really amazed me because as a rule, I don't like people, lol.

I've gone back to teaching a few hours every morning at a continuing ed dept of a local college, three days a week, and it's helped me find my center. Thankfully, I live in one of the best time zones for FX, so I don't miss anything. In fact, I'm done just as London is getting into gear.

There's nothing glamorous about working from home, it's just work but without the people. I imagine working in a bank or fund would be much better, at least for me.

the most important aspect in making money from forex is patience and disclipine. if you have enough capital & patience sure you can become full time trader.
I'm a financial advisor (I own a small advisory company together with 4 friends) and I spend most of my day trading the markets and writing market reports.