Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list


hi everybody

i am trying to make a list of all the places one can spreadbet so people can find their best provider. this is only for spreadbetting and not providers who only do cfd's or forex

please exclude white labels which are identical to their mother company

so far i know

city index (becoming part of forex.com)
gft (already part of forex.com)
capital spreads (lcg)
intertraderdirect (registered in gibraulter)
cmc markets
ibetfinancials (part of kyte group)
ava trade (licensed in ireland)
piptrade (henyep)
etx (rpdfx although have not checked them)
activtrades (500000 insurance)
idealing (https://www.idealing.com/en/help/faq/cfd_spreadbet)

please help me add to the list.....

thank you everybody
I made a thread about this a while ago but I haven't updated it for ages.

You can add the following to your list:

TradeNext Global
I made a thread about this a while ago but I haven't updated it for ages.

You can add the following to your list:

TradeNext Global

yes thank you for your help

i think i also once used one of your promotions that you wrote in your list

i will check out tradenext

(i have actually never heard of them although i have been looking at spreadbetting for over 7 years)

if you come across any more please let me know

i think a new one came along called z.com trade

part of the biggest forex broker in the world gmo click which was until now japanese only

it seems that they also have an mt4 version which looks like a white label of lmax

i have not demoed the spreadbetting side though
i think a new one came along called z.com trade

part of the biggest forex broker in the world gmo click which was until now japanese only

it seems that they also have an mt4 version which looks like a white label of lmax

i have not demoed the spreadbetting side though

They're trades are routed through LMAX which is CFD's only. I've demo'd with them before because it was a potential way for me to get around LMAX's 10k minimum deposit which z.com doesn't have. I haven't found any mention of spread betting on there though? To me it looks like they are CFD's only.
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They're trades are routed through LMAX which is CFD's only. I've demo'd with them before because it was a potential way for me to get around LMAX's 10k minimum deposit which z.com doesn't have. I haven't found any mention of spread betting on there though? To me it looks like they are CFD's only.

you will have the big names there......

why would anyone sane go to new brokers with no financial track record or operational history ?
Maybe I'm not checking the right account type, I'm looking at LMAX professional and it says:

you can open a live LMAX for about $1,000 last time I checked...just keep googling for affiliates providing low deposit links to them 👍

I have a live account but in truth its not been perfect for my style ..........but still better than most out there

League Table

Do you intend to construct a league table, based on certain criteria such as Performance, Client Satisfaction, etc.?
Or will it simply only be a directory of SB companies?
there is also Ayondo who I believe are offering an extra 500 pounds for any traders who switch (demonstrate they have another spread betting/CFD account by sending them a statement) Offer terms at http://ayondo.com/en/far5/

More info at http://www.financial-spread-betting.com/spreadbetting/Ayondo-compare.html

I like Ayondo as they have fair policies like charging financing only on the amount you borrow (not including the amount you put up as margin), pay 100% on dividends, enforce a no-negative accounts policy and insure client accounts up to 500k. They also support social trading so if you are really good at trading it is a good platform to prove yourself and when you get people to follow your trades you gain a little extra.
Do you intend to construct a league table, based on certain criteria such as Performance, Client Satisfaction, etc.?
Or will it simply only be a directory of SB companies?

that would be a good idea

but i am not sure how to do that
also often when you start with that the companies themselves often put in fake reviews and pretend as if they are customers.

i am not sure if i can even edit my first post to update it so that all the spread bet companies are in one list
In order to spread betting firms it is happening something incredible.
Can anyone help me?

I am Cityindex client since various years. I sent funds, and I asked 1-2 little withdrdtrawal and all went regularly.

On december I required 2.000,00 €, they carged the sum on my account but the sum never arrived. I wrote and they answered that there was an error on bank details and would re-credit the sum on Cityindex account. But I saw nothing nor in cityindex account neither in my bank. So I wrote again, more and more times, and they surely received my emails and didn'tt answer. I contacted them via chat and they said that they "had to control" and after will write by email. But nothing happens after 2 months. Funds disappeared and no news by them.
Is is incredible similar things happen in UK ....

Do you know they are going to fail?

I am going to do a complaint to Ombudsmann. But what Ombudsmann can do? Is its decision really binding? What happens if Cityindex doesn't execute Ombudsmann order?
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