Ftse futures brokers with direct market access


Hi There

I am looking to trade FTSE futures but would like DMA. I have looked at Prospreads, but they do not offer 1 click excecution on a ladder/level 2 screen.

I am looking for a Futures broker which will allow me to do this on the Ftse 100 futures market.

I can find loads of US brokers offering DMA on the YM but not FTSE. am I missing something obvious?
Many thanks in advance for help/advice on this.
I am not sure that's true , check Interactive Brokers , open ecry , Global futures ... etc.
Hi There

I am looking to trade FTSE futures but would like DMA. I have looked at Prospreads, but they do not offer 1 click excecution on a ladder/level 2 screen.

I am looking for a Futures broker which will allow me to do this on the Ftse 100 futures market.

I can find loads of US brokers offering DMA on the YM but not FTSE. am I missing something obvious?
Many thanks in advance for help/advice on this.

Yantraman, sorry but I do not understand what you mean by you cannot do 1 click on the ladder as this is possible as once you have set your volumes you can just click away

If you require any further assistance or would like someone to show you how, please apply for a demo and ask for a 1-2-1

Free Financial Spread Betting Demo Account|ProSpreads


@ProSpreads - I'm not familiar with your platform but I'd assume by 'single click' he's asking whether the order is sent when the mouse button is pressed or after the mouse button is released... I believe there are patent issues with this so some software is implemented to send the order upon releasing the mouse button.

Some other questions out of interest - do you actually offer DMA - do orders ever get matched internally? If I were to try out prospreads and place an order at some level below the bid would it actually be sent to the exchange in all instances (and therefore be visible on another feed)?

Are orders routed through servers in Gibraltar or do you have some infrastructure near to various exchanges?
@ProSpreads - I'm not familiar with your platform but I'd assume by 'single click' he's asking whether the order is sent when the mouse button is pressed or after the mouse button is released... I believe there are patent issues with this so some software is implemented to send the order upon releasing the mouse button.

Some other questions out of interest - do you actually offer DMA - do orders ever get matched internally? If I were to try out prospreads and place an order at some level below the bid would it actually be sent to the exchange in all instances (and therefore be visible on another feed)?

Are orders routed through servers in Gibraltar or do you have some infrastructure near to various exchanges?


Order is sent when you release the mouse button,

with regards to DMA we back to back most spread-bet business by hedging one for one in the market; So when you push the ‘buy’ button, we go into the market and hedge your request and then fill you with a spreadbet; this whole process takes just a fraction of second; however some business in the more liquid contracts is strategically hedged, without affecting the DMA functionality of our platform,

On the point of visibility this would depend on the product traded if you were trading mini products you would not see these as they are internalized where as full size you will see

The servers hosted in UK not Gib

Hope this helps
Firsty thanks for the replies. Secondly my apologies for not replying sooner!

Kalott/tar Thanks for the suggestions.

PS regarding the Pro spreads platform, (which I do like) I have been able to buy at Offer and sell at Bid price with one click; however I couldnt find a way of placing limit orders on either side of the book (if I want to short at offer and vice versa) with just one click. As far as I can see, each time I have to manually type the price I want to place the order at in the box on the left of the ladder.
Firsty thanks for the replies. Secondly my apologies for not replying sooner!

Kalott/tar Thanks for the suggestions.

PS regarding the Pro spreads platform, (which I do like) I have been able to buy at Offer and sell at Bid price with one click; however I couldnt find a way of placing limit orders on either side of the book (if I want to short at offer and vice versa) with just one click. As far as I can see, each time I have to manually type the price I want to place the order at in the box on the left of the ladder.

Hi, if you are talking about placing limit orders to join the bid/offers all you need to do is go to the price you want and left click on the mouse and join the people in the queue, if you want to place a stop above the market for example to buy on stop, you need to go above the current market price and right click in the grey area at the price you want to get in at,

If you require any further assistance with the trainer/live platform please feel free to drop us a mail or give us a call


Thanks for your replies prospreads - doesn't sound like too bad an option compared with other spread betting firms at least... I would have some concerns about limit orders vs this internal matching stuff though aside from that it sounds fairly reasonable.

Order is sent when you release the mouse button,

with regards to DMA we back to back most spread-bet business by hedging one for one in the market; So when you push the ‘buy’ button, we go into the market and hedge your request and then fill you with a spreadbet; this whole process takes just a fraction of second; however some business in the more liquid contracts is strategically hedged, without affecting the DMA functionality of our platform,

On the point of visibility this would depend on the product traded if you were trading mini products you would not see these as they are internalized where as full size you will see

The servers hosted in UK not Gib

Hope this helps

If the contract is more liquid. Say the E-mini S&P. If the price is 1580/1580.25 and I work a bid at 1580 and I'm say 100th out of 1000 in terms of the queue. If 500 trade at the bid price. Will i get filled or will I have to wait till it gets offered? If It was DMA, I would be filled.

If its strategically hedged, does that mean you hedge it DMA, but wait till it goes offered. If it doesn't go offered, then I'm not filled but you are long. Happy days for you. Or if it goes offered, I'm filled and you guys only make the commission.

Also. On AUDUSD, I can see that you are charging a tick commission both sides. Why so much? Doesn't that completely price you out of the market?
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