Free historical data download websites



over the past weeks, while playing about with ts2000i, for the purposes of experimentation - i have tried downloading the free historical data from the following websites.

I wanted to download data, convert it to globalserver (xpo) format using hypertools xpo free edition or hypertools xpo premium edition, import the xpo files into globalserver and view the data in ts2000i charts. I have not had any success with the following websites, has anybody else been able to achieve the same or similar to what I wanted to achieve through using these websites?

Can you suggest any other FREE websites that would enable me to achieve my goal?

Many thanks

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What is the format for XPO?

Maybe I could jiggle the data around in excel.

I have Tradestation 2000i but as yet haven't got around to installing it as I know my life will be over.


hypertools converts Excel ascii (.csv, .txt) files into xpo (globalserver) format. It is possible to import EOD data directly into globalserver from an ascii file - but not intraday data.

The problem I get is that some excel ascii (.csv) files can be converted to xpo format using hypertools and then can be imported into globalserver. However, then other excel files in seemingly identical format - gathered from the above mentioned websites - can be converted into xpo format, but then its not possible to get them into globalserver or a ts chart.

Downloaded Dukascopy excel data files for example - appear in a file format that was not identified when I tried uploading it to the hypertrader tech. support forum - so there appears something seriously wrong with that source.
I'm just wondering if this is the kind of failed experience that other users also experience. There are many settings for the data that need to correspond between hypertools and globalserver - This is where I imagine problems can occur.

I know that it is possible to convert .csv excel files into xpo format using hypertools xpo, get them into globalserver, and then be able to view the data in a chart - as I've managed to do thid with Excel data from a non-free data service - so hypertools does work and so does ts2000i. It's just I've had no success with the free data sites.

The free data may also have doubts over its accuracy. This all probably goes to prove that I am better off paying for data rather than playing with the free data. But then again, I'd much rather get data from a free source if it was functional with ts and if it was accurate.


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One thing I have tried to do with any Excel CSV (.csv - comma delimited) files and Excel Text (.txt - Tab delimited) files is to copy the data from one file into another Excel file. It does not allow this. It will create the file and save it, but then when you re-open the file - there is no data in it.

Saving in.Microsoft Excel workbook - xls format - enables the copied data to be read in the new file - but .xls format is of no use for hypertools for xpo or globalserver.


Have just been successful in getting cable data from
into ts2000i - using hypertools xpo to convert the .csv download file into .xpo format. There are however, big gaps in the data and so it is of little or no use to me. Still I feel better for knowing that I can get the data into ts2000i!


On another thread, I came across the following link - -

Intraday and end of day historical prices. Data downloads in CSV format for spreadsheets. Data available includes Stocks, Index, Forex, Oil and Metals.....................

.............Just noticed that this page is basically the dukascopy download page - and it is still not possible to dwonload the data, convert it to xpo format and get it into globalserver and ts2000i.

This Dukascopy download page does seem dodgy as it only takes about 2 seconds for a fairly big .csv file to download!


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I have found the dukascopy data quite good in .csv format, although it's date, tickvolume, open, close, high, low for some reason. Well, EUR and GBP at least, don't know about the others. One or 2 very minor gaps but nothing serious. The download button on the site doesnt always work first time, but if you keep plugging away it'll eventually download - should be ca 500K file size for 10000 lines of (EUR,GBP) data.


jtrader said:
This Dukascopy download page does seem dodgy as it only takes about 2 seconds for a fairly big .csv file to download!


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Dukascopy worked fine when I tried it,
you need to watch the delimiter symbol and go for CSV - here's the first few lines of AAPL that I just (1 min ago) downloaded:-
10/02/2004 23:59:59,20266,22.98,23.8,22.98,23.87
11/02/2004 23:59:59,14398,23.8,23.73,23.61,23.99
12/02/2004 23:59:59,18901,23.73,23.01,22.83,24.1
13/02/2004 23:59:59,0,23.01,23.01,23.01,23.01
14/02/2004 23:59:59,0,23.01,23.01,23.01,23.01
15/02/2004 23:59:59,0,23.01,23.01,23.01,23.01

- I would, however, caution against free data... you've very little recourse against anyone I suspect who puts out bad data, paid for or not, but having played with all sorts over the past 4-5 years the free data (or really cheap stuff) has always been the least reliable.... it's not funny trying to draw a candlestick chart when the close is above the daily high and the candle shadows are inside the body! Only IMO, but free data is a false economy - trading has enough potential pitfalls without introducing dodgy price data into the equation!

Hi Dave

I managed to download the data - and it does appear to be normal in the excel file, but did you manage to convert it to xpo format and get it into ts2000i or whatever you use (I didn't)?

If you did, did you choose to split the file by -
or tab?

Also, what was your setting for the date output format?

How many data points did you download?

Many thanks

I've only checked this works with my own program, I have esignal, Metastock 9 (EoD), TC2000, Sharescope and my own P&F effort on the go, none of which need Dukas data - I've never had problems collecting this though, I select CSV DATA export format, set the seperator to be the comma (','), set the date format to D/M/Y, number of points = 1000, Time Interval = 1 day.
This downloaded AAPL from 30 Jan 2002 to 25 Oct 2004.
If you can't manage this email or PM me. I've no experience with TS however, so that side of it I can't help with,
hi all,

is it true that forex historical data differ from one broker to another ?

any suggestion as to what is the best forex online broker ? is good ?


hypertools converts Excel ascii (.csv, .txt) files into xpo (globalserver) format. It is possible to import EOD data directly into globalserver from an ascii file - but not intraday data.

The problem I get is that some excel ascii (.csv) files can be converted to xpo format using hypertools and then can be imported into globalserver. However, then other excel files in seemingly identical format - gathered from the above mentioned websites - can be converted into xpo format, but then its not possible to get them into globalserver or a ts chart.

Downloaded Dukascopy excel data files for example - appear in a file format that was not identified when I tried uploading it to the hypertrader tech. support forum - so there appears something seriously wrong with that source.
I'm just wondering if this is the kind of failed experience that other users also experience. There are many settings for the data that need to correspond between hypertools and globalserver - This is where I imagine problems can occur.

I know that it is possible to convert .csv excel files into xpo format using hypertools xpo, get them into globalserver, and then be able to view the data in a chart - as I've managed to do thid with Excel data from a non-free data service - so hypertools does work and so does ts2000i. It's just I've had no success with the free data sites.

The free data may also have doubts over its accuracy. This all probably goes to prove that I am better off paying for data rather than playing with the free data. But then again, I'd much rather get data from a free source if it was functional with ts and if it was accurate.



Where do you get your "paid" data from?