Free DVD - Liffe's ‘STIR Futures – Pricing and Trading'

LIFFE are giving away an educational DVD on STIR trading. Its based on their STIR trading seminar which is quite popular - not too bad for a freebie, for anyone interested in learning about STIRs:

Euronext - Education > Further information
Fantastic! Thanks for the heads up. Freebies are always good!!! For anyone looking for more info about STIRs I highly recommend Stephen Aitkin's book "Trading STIR Futures". (about £40 on Amazon)
DVD's a load of ******** tbh, trading assistant was watching it yesterday and at some point during the presentation (which is what it is, just a guy standing in front of some powerpoint slides) he said something wrong and corrected himself so they didn't even bother doing a second take :cheesy:

Second the recommendation of the Stephen Aitken book, it's very good.
lol - cheers for the reviewette. I guess that means dont go to LIFFE's STIR seminar then!
No idea, but I'd be pretty cynical about any courses put on by LIFFE myself anyway as they'll presumably be advocating paying as much commission as possible.

.....she's watching more of it again, god it's annoying....