Do you know any successful big money retail traders , that have been at it for years ? There are many that claim they are, but they are either liars, system/method sellers,or are working for the brokers. The retail forex industry was created for the brokers, to tap into a fresh market. It took me a couple of years to figure it out, but this is how I see it. Most traders will lose all their money on their own anyway, so little or no intervention by the brokers is needed. But every now and then, there are traders that do get very good and are able make consistent profits. That is until they get red flagged by the broker. A broker runs a business, and just like any other business they want to make money , not lose money. You might stay off their radar screen trading small change, but try trading Big Money. You think they wont stand up and take notice if your constantly tearing chunks from their bottom line. They will promptly show you the DOOR. Anyone who thinks they can make a living trading retail forex is dreaming, and needs to get their head out of their ass!!