FOREX, Stock Markets, or ....


Hi Guys.
I'm a Technical Analysis person, and to me the charts are the same being Forex, Stocks etc. Is any reason why one will trade Forex, Stock or any other form of trading? I'm quite happy with the fact that you pay 1 pip spread with Oanda(Forex), why you have to trade Stock and pay £10 for a trade?
Thank you.
The main reason is because:
1. You can focus on one product type and have a higher success rate. For example if you focus on Forex, you can focus 100% on that product and not have to worry about whats happening in 10 individual stocks or visa versa.

2. Some things just work better for you than others. For example, I trade the e-mini S&P 500 because it works for me and the moves make more sense to me rather than in Forex. Whereas some people that trade Individual stocks will say the same about e-mini futures. Try them all and see what makes the most sense and works for you.

Whether you're heading Deutsche Bank's dark pool algorithmic 'stealth' trading or getting calls from high places on small caps, it's usually down to liquidity/volatility.

All securities smell the same; it's really only their colour and weight that differ.

TA is the visual appearance of price-based code; so, in theory, if TA were to provide a viable means to beat the market, the more liquid the market, the more chance any theory has of fitting the 'corrections' of an instrument and being correct.

However, TA, in my opinion, is a costly way of knowing a fraction of what is required. And unfortunately, half is worth next to nothing.

My two pence.