Favourite Song Ever

My first Desert Island Disc record would be Funktion by Jamiroquai, it's a bonus track on the Travelling without moving album. As a boy I would rush back to my room after classes @ school to listen to it, again and again, for about an hour. My conservative estimate is that i listened to it 3 times a day, nearly everyday, for about 3 years, religiously. I tried to find a link on youtube, but it didn't pop up.

Anyway, in keeping with the trading theme, I spent some time working for HSBC + Merrill a few years ago. On the way to the office, i would listen to records to psyche myself up; two of my favourites were:

Nina Simone; Sinnerman -
YouTube - Nina Simone: Sinnerman


Guns n Roses; Welcome to the Jungle
YouTube - Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle

*The GnR record I thought was particularly suited to trading, because of the words. But listening to it a couple of times (especially before my daily quota of black coffee) certainly had an effect on my mood for the day, not always positive*