Dear fxmade2trade,
Yes, it is definitely possible that the Euro area slips back in to recession - it has been out of recession for less than a year, so the economy is not exactly on solid ground compared to other developed economies. If you break it up in to the constituent economies within the Euro area, some are still mired in recession, like Greece, while some such as Germany are relatively strong - this is the challenge of having a one-size-fits-all currency and monetary policy. On the whole though the trend in Europe appears to be towards a recovery.
The ECB easing measures are likely to help keep the Euro out of recession, however it is also important what other major economies such as the US are doing. Some central banks are beginning to withdraw liquidity and tighten policy, or at least talk about it earnestly, and this will have an effect globally. The US is probably the most important, however China and Japan have quite a large global presence that could affect even a large economy like Europe.
No country can be insulated from outside forces, especially as economies and markets have grown more and more interconnected. So while Europe may be early in it's growth cycle, if the rest of the sneezes European countries may catch a cold - though hopefully not for a while!
All the best,