EuroBund daily close data?


Well-known member
I tried getting this data from Yahoo finance but it seems hard to get hold of.
I can get it for all the major stock indices but not the treasury or eurobund market.
Any ideas where to download this from?
oh sorry i thought you just wanted it for the previous day. Try IIS7 they have free charts i think, just put it on daily charts and should be able to get the OHLC from that
oh sorry i thought you just wanted it for the previous day. Try IIS7 they have free charts i think, just put it on daily charts and should be able to get the OHLC from that

It doesn't export into Excel from that.
I need data going back 365 days.
sorry, cant think of any way of getting data that can be exported in to excel without a subscription based charting package or bloomberg etc. If you ask someone using CQG they can print off the closing data in tabular format and could send it over to you.