With interest rates going up later today and a record high people going insolvency, what does this mean to our economy? I mean, when an individual goes bankrupt, money is written off (wiped off our economy), shareholders will take the direct impact because less dividend. Which causes knock on effects.
However, can the government not jsut print more money into our economy. IT WILL NOT increase inflation if the same amount written off is put back into the economy right?
For example....£1mill written off in year 2005, this will cause less spending for people which cause a lower inflation rate if no debt was written off. Governmenr steps in and put the £1mill back in.
In reality, does the government do this?thanks
However, can the government not jsut print more money into our economy. IT WILL NOT increase inflation if the same amount written off is put back into the economy right?
For example....£1mill written off in year 2005, this will cause less spending for people which cause a lower inflation rate if no debt was written off. Governmenr steps in and put the £1mill back in.
In reality, does the government do this?thanks