Good points, Fed will likely print money. I assume you guys mean a short term ralley in the dollar? Can't wrap my head around debasing a currency relative to other currencies, driving up inflation in the US, and not having commodities run up higher in the long term.
Where's the inflation relative to the trillions already printed?
Fed wants to continue purchasing all those MBS's and bonds, from the busted banks and treasury. Banks still believe cash is king in a deflationary environment. Maybe they want to drive down real estate another 20-40% to it's historical trend, and then inflate their way out.
Maybe they purchase some batches of treasuries without printing an equal amount of dollars - sounds moronic but they do own the yield curve. TIPS were sold at a negative yield yesterday. Yields are too low to keep investors buying indefinitely. How would bond prices and yields rise simultaneously?
Fed is going to continue propping up the stock and bond markets, but maybe at a slow monthly rate of QE.
Maybe we're in a deflationary environment with inflation creeping into certain sectors.