Econ Data & Political Events - The Week Ahead


Junior member
Sunday 28 September

1615 GMT: CHICAGO - Former U.S. Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke speaks before the National Association for Business Economics annual meeting in Chicago
SWITZERLAND - Referendum election

Monday 29 September

GENEVA - Swiss National Bank (SNB) Chairman Thomas Jordan to give speech at Club Suisse de la Presse ROME
13:00 GMT: US: Chicago Fed President Evans (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Illinois
16:00 GMT: ROME - ECB governing council member Ignazio Visco will be present at a book launch event on "cognitive economics"

Germany: Baden-Wuerttemberg CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep) Prev 0.0 (0.9) cons -0.1 (0.7)
Germany: Bavaria CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.1 (0.8) cons-0.1 (0.6)
Germany: Hesse CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (0.7) cons-0.1 (0.6)
Germany: North Rhine Westphalia CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.1 (1.1) cons-0.1 (1.1)
Germany: Brandenburg CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (0.9) cons-0.1 (0.9)
Germany: Saxony CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (0.8) cons-0.1 (0.8)
Germany: Preliminary HICP, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (0.8) cons-0.1 (0.7)
Germany: Preliminary CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (0.8) cons-0.1 (0.8)
Belgium: CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (-0.4)
07:00 GMT: Spain: Preliminary HICP, % y/y Sep Prev -0.5 cons -0.3
07:30 GMT: Sweden: Retail Sales, % m/m (y/y) Aug Prev -0.7 (2.3) cons 0.6 (3.4)
09:00 GMT: E18: Industrial confidence, index Sep prev -5.3 cons-5.8
09:00 GMT: E18: 'Final' consumer confidence, index Sep prev -11.4 P cons -11.4
12:30 GMT: US: Personal income, % m/m Aug prev 0.2 cons 0.3
12:30 GMT: US: Personal spending, % m/m Aug prev -0.1 cons 0.4
12:30 GMT: US: PCE price index, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev 0.1 (1.6) cons -0.1 (1.4)
12:30 GMT: US: Core PCE price index, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev 0.1 (1.5) cons0.0 (1.4)
14:00 GMT: US: Pending home sales, % m/m Aug prev 3.3 cons-0.5
21:45 GMT: New Zealand: Building consents, % m/m Aug prev 0.1 cons 0.0
23:05 GMT: UK: GfK consumer confidence, index Sep prev 1 cons 0
23:30 GMT: Japan: Unemployment rate, % Aug prev 3.8 cons 3.8
23:30 GMT: Japan: Jobs/applicants ratio Aug prev 1.10 cons 1.10
23:30 GMT: Japan: Real household spending, % y/y Aug prev -5.9 cons -3.6
23:50 GMT: Japan: Industrial production, % m/m Aug prev 0.4 cons 0.2

Tuesday 30 September

LONDON - Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee member David Miles speaks at London School of Economics and Political Science
OSLO - Norges Bank Governor Oystein Olsen gives a speech at a seminar arranged by the Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at Nordea in Oslo
Romania: Interest rate announcement, % Sep prev 3.25 cons 3.00
05:30 GMT: India: RBI reverse repo rate, % Sep prev 7.00 prev 7.00
05:30 GMT: India: RBI repo rate, % Sep prev 8.00 – cons 8.00
07:00 GMT: E18: ECB Executive Board member Lautenschläger speaks on bank regulation in Austria
14:45 GMT: US: Fed Governor Powell (FOMC voter) speaks in Washington

00:00 GMT: New Zealand: Business confidence, index Sep prev 24.4
01:30 GMT: Australia: RBA private-sector credit, % m/m Aug prev 0.4 cons 0.5
01:30 GMT: Japan: Wages per worker, % y/y Aug prev 2.4 cons 1.0
01:45 GMT: China: Final HSBC manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 50.5P cons 50.5
06:00 GMT: Germany: Retail sales sa, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev-1.1 (1.0) cons 0.5 (0.3)
06:00 GMT: UK: Nationwide house price Index, % m/m (y/y) Sep prev 0.8 (11.0) cons 0.5 (10.4)
06:45 GMT: France: Hhsld consum. goods, % m/m (y/y) Jul/Aug prev 0.9 (1.8) cons -0.1 (1.3
07:00 GMT: Swi: KoF leading indicator Sep prev 99.5 cons 99.0
07:55 GMT: Germany: Unemployment change (000s, sa); (rate, %) Sep prev 2 (6.7) cons -2 (6.7)
08:00 GMT: Italy: Unemployment rate, % Aug prev 12.6 cons 12.5
08:30 GMT: UK: GDP final release, % q/q (y/y) Q2 prev 0.8 (3.2) cons 0.8 (3.2)
08:30 GMT: UK: Current account, £bn Q2 prev -18.5 cons -16.8
09:00 GMT: E18: Unemployment rate, % Aug prev 11.5 cons 11.5
09:00 GMT: Italy: Preliminary HICP, % m/m (y/y) Sep prev -0.2 (-0.2) cons 1.9 (-0.1)
09:00 GMT: Italy: Preliminary CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep prev 0.2 (-0.1) cons -0.2 (0.0)
09:00 GMT: E18: "Flash" HICP, % y/y Sep prev 0.4 cons 0.3
09:00 GMT: E18: 'Eurostat' core (HICP x fd, alc, tob, ene), % (y/y) Sep prev 0.9 cons 0.9
12:30 GMT: Canada: GDP, % m/m (y/y) Jul prev 0.3 (3.1) cons 0.2
12:30 GMT: Canada: Industrial product price, % m/m Aug prev -0.3 cons -0.2
13:45 GMT: US: Chicago PMI index Sep prev 64.3 cons 61.5
14:00 GMT: US: Consumer confidence index Sep prev 92.4 cons 92.4
23:00 GMT: Korea: CPI, % y/y Sep prev 1.4 cons 1.5
23:30 GMT: Australia: AIG/PWC manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 47.3 cons
23:50 GMT: Japan: Tankan DI for mftg/non-mftg, index Q3 prev 12/19 cons 10/17

Wednesday 01 October

Italy: Deadline for Government to present new GDP, deficit and debt forecasts to cabinet
12:15 GMT: Germany: Chancellor Merkel speaks at the annual conference of the BGA association of exporters and wholesellers in Berlin

00:00 GMT: Australia: RP Data-Rismark house price, % m/m Sep prev 1.1 cons
00:00 GMT: Korea: Exports, % y/y Sep prev -0.1 cons 6.5
01:00 GMT: China: NBS manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 51.1 cons 51.0
01:30 GMT: Australia: Retail sales, % m/m Aug prev 0.4 cons 0.4
05:00 GMT: Japan: Auto sales, % y/y Sep prev-5.0 cons
06:30 GMT: Australia: Commodity price index, % y/y Sep prev -11.5 cons
06:30 GMT: Sweden: Manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 51.0 cons 51.8
07:13 GMT: Spain: Manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 52.8 cons52.8
07:30 GMT: Swi: Manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 52.9 cons52.0
07:43 GMT: Italy: Manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 49.8 cons49.6
07:48 GMT: France: Final manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 48.8P cons48.8
07:53 GMT: Germany: Final manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 50.3P cons50.3
07:58 GMT: E18: Final manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 50.5P cons50.5
08:28 GMT: UK: Manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 52.5 cons 52.6
12:15 US: ADP private payrolls, chg, k Sep prev 204 cons 204
13:30 GMT: Singapore: PMI, index Sep prev 49.7 cons
13:45 GMT: US: Final Markit PMI, index Sep prev 57.9 cons
14:00 GMT: US: ISM manufacturing index Sep prev 59.0 cons 58.5
14:00 GMT: US: Construction spending, % m/m Aug prev 1.8 cons 0.4

Thursday 02 October

05:15 GMT: Australia: RBA Annual report
08:30 GMT:. LONDON - Bank of England Financial Policy Committee quarterly policy statement
11:45 GMT: E18: ECB Interest rate announcement, % Oct prev 0.05 cons
12:30 GMT: E18: ECB Press conference
17:00 GMT: US: Atlanta Fed President Lockhart (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Georgia
22:30 GMT: TUPELO, United States - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard participates in event: "A Conversation with St. Louis Fed President James Bullard" on the U.S. economy and monetary policy in Tupelo
RICHMOND – Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy hold two-day conference on "The Labor Market After the Great Recession" (to Oct. 3).
ALESUND, Norway - Norges Bank Governor Oystein Olsen and Norges Bank Investment Management Deputy Chief Executive Officer Trond Grande address Norges Bank's regional network.

01:00 GMT: Australia: HIA new home sales, % m/m Aug prev -5.7
01:00 GMT: New Zealand: Commodity prices, % m/m Sep prev -3.3
01:30 GMT: Australia: Trade balance, AUD mn Aug prev -1359 cons -850
01:30 GMT: Australia: Building approvals, % m/m Aug prev 2.5 cons 1.0
08:30 GMT: UK: Construction PMI Sep prev 64.0 cons 63.5
09:00 GMT: E18: PPI, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev -0.1 (-1.1) cons -0.1 (-1.2)
12:30 GMT: US: Initial jobless claims, k (4wma) 27-Sep prev 293 (299) cons 300
14:00 GMT: US: Factory orders, %m/m Aug prev 10.5 cons -9.0
23:30 GMT: Australia: AIG/CBA services PSI, index Sep prev 49.4

Friday 3 October
KRISTIANSAND, Norway - Norges Bank Deputy Governor Jon Nicolaisen and Norges Bank Investment Management Chief Risk Officer Jan Thomsen address Norges Bank's regional network in Kristiansand.
10:00 GMT: Germany: Chancellor Merkel speaks at Day of German Unity; Hanover Congress Centrum

01:00 GMT: China: NBS non-manufacturing PMI, index Sep prev 54.4 cons
04:58 GMT: Ireland: Services PMI, index Sep prev 62.5 cons 61.7
06:30 GMT: Sweden: Services PMI, index Sep prev 54.2 cons
07:00 GMT: Turkey: CPI, % y/y Sep prev 9.5 cons 9.5
07:13 Spain: Services PMI, index Sep prev 58.1 cons 57.3
07:30 GMT: Sweden: Service production, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev -0.7 (2.0)
07:43 GMT: Italy: Services PMI, index Sep prev 49.8 cons 49.3
07:48 GMT: France: Final services PMI, index Sep prev 49.4P cons 49.4
07:53 GMT: Germany: Final services PMI, index Sep prev 55.4P cons 55.4
07:58 GMT: E18: Final services PMI, index Sep prev 52.8P cons 52.8
07:58 GMT: E18: Final composite PMI, index Sep prev 52.3P cons 52.3
08:00 GMT: Norway: Registered unemployment rate, % Sep prev 2.9 cons 2.7
08:28 GMT: UK: Services PMI Sep prev 60.5 cons 59.0
09:00 GMT: E18: Retail sales, % m/m (y/y) Aug prev -0.4 (0.8) cons 0.1 (0.7)
12:30 GMT: Canada: Int'l merchandise trade, $ bn Aug prev 2.6 cons 1.5
12:30 GMT: US: Trade balance, $ bn Aug prev -40.5 cons -40.7
12:30 GMT: US: Non-farm payrolls, chg, k Sep prev 142 cons 210
12:30 GMT: US: Private non-farm payrolls, chg, k Sep prev 134 cons 198
12:30 GMT: US: Unemployment rate, % Sep prev 6.1 cons 6.1
12:30 GMT: US: Average hourly earnings, % m/m (y/y) Sep prev 0.2 (2.1) cons 0.2 (2.2)
12:30 GMT: US: Average weekly hours Sep prev 34.5 cons 34.5
14:00 GMT: US: ISM non-manufacturing index Sep prev 59.6 cons 58.5
Saturday 18 October 2014

12:30 GMT BOSTON - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren speaks before the "Inequality of Economic Opportunity in the United States" conference in Boston

23:30 GMT ADELAIDE - RBA Assistant Governor Christopher Kent speaks at the Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) National Congress 2014 in Adelaide

Sunday 19 October 2014

22:00 GMT Germany: Chancellor Merkel visits Slovakia

21:30 GMT New Zealand: PSI, index Sep Prev 57.9

Monday 20 October 2014

07:30 GMT LONDON - European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso speaks at the Chatham House event on "Ten Years at the Helm of the European Commission: Some Reflections on Europe"

10:45 GMT LONDON - Bank of England Deputy Governor Jon Cunliffe and ECB Vice-President Vitor Constancio discuss bank regulation.

***13:15 GMT BERLIN - Germany's finance and economy ministers Wolfgang Schaeuble and Sigmar Gabriel hold a joint news conference with their French counterparts Michel Sapin and Emmanuel Macron***
TOKYO - Bank of Japan holds quarterly meeting of its regional branch managers. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda will deliver a short speech at the outset of the meeting, which will also produce a quarterly report on regional sectors of the economy.

LUXEMBOURG - Meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC).

06:00 GMT Germany: PPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -0.1 (-0.8) Cons -0.0 (-1.0)
07:30 GMT Netherlands: Consumer confidence index Oct Prev -7.0
08:00 GMT Italy: Industrial orders, % m/m (y/y) Aug Prev -1.5 (-0.7) Cons 0.2
09:00 GMT E18: ECB current account sa, € bn Aug Prev 18.7
13:00 GMT Belgium: Consumer confidence index Oct Prev -11.0
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Net migration Sep Prev 4710

Tuesday 21 October 2014

00:30 GMT Australia: RBA board minutes Oct

08:55Australia: RBA Deputy Governor Lowe speaks in Sydney

GENEVA - Swiss National Bank (SNB) Governing Board Member Fritz Zurbruegg speaks at the ICMB Public Conference on "Long-time low interest rates - too much of a good thing?".

00:30 GMT Australia: Imports of goods, % m/m Sep
02:00 GMT China: Fixed asset investments, YTD % y/y Sep Prev 16.5 Cons 16.3
02:00 GMT China: Retail sales, % y/y Sep Cons 11.9 Cons 11.7
02:00 GMT China: Industrial production, % y/y Sep Prev 6.9 Cons 7.50
02:00 GMT China: GDP, % y/y Q3 Prev 7.5 Cons 7.2
02:00 GMT New Zealand: Credit card spending, % m/m Sep 0.7
04:30 GMT Japan: Index of all-industry activity, % m/m Aug Prev -0.2 Cons -0.4
06:00 GMT Swi: Trade balance, € bn Sep Prev 1.3 Cons 2.3
08:30 GMT UK: PSNBx, £bn Sep Prev 11.6 Cons 10.2
08:30 GMT UK: PSNCR, £bn Sep Prev 1.6
08:30 GMT UK: PSNB, £bn Sep Prev 10.9 Cons 9.5
14:00 GMT US: Existing home sales, mn saar Sep Prev 5.05 Cons 5.10
23:30 GMT Australia: Leading index, % m/m Sep Prev -0.1
23:50 GMT Japan: Trade balance, SA, JPY bn Sep Prev -924.2 Cons -911.4

Wednesday 22 October 2014

13:00 GMT CAPE TOWN - South African Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene presents his first medium term budget policy statement to parliament, with the Treasury's latest budget deficit and economic growth projections for the next three years -.

19:30 GMT WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Board holds open meeting to discuss a final rulemaking requiring sponsors of securitization transactions to retain risk in those transactions

21:00 GMT SYDNEY - RBA Governor Glenn Stevens speaks at the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Payments and Clearing Association

ATHENS - Austrian President Heinz Fischer will visit Greece (to Oct 23). Fischer is scheduled to meet his Greek counterpart Karolos Papoulias, with whom they will discuss, among other issues, the crisis in Greece and developments in Europe and the rest of the world. Fischer will also meet Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos and the leader of the main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) party Alexis Tsipras.

08:30 GMT UK: MPC minutes, Bank Rate vote Oct Prev 7-2
08:30 GMT UK: MPC minutes, asset purchase vote Oct Prev 9-0
14:00 GMT Canada: Interest rate announcement, % Oct Prev 1.00

00:30 GMT Australia: Headline CPI, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.5 Cons 0.4
00:30 GMT Australia: Seasonally adjusted CPI, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.6 Cons 0.2
00:30 GMT Australia: RBA trimmed mean, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.8 Cons 0.5
00:30 GMT Australia: RBA weighted median, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.6 Cons 0.5
00:30 GMT Australia: CPI ex-volatile items, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.8 Cons 0.2
08:00 GMT South Africa: CPI, % y/y Sep Prev 6.4 Cons 6.2
12:30 GMT US: CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -0.2 (1.7) Cons 0.0 (1.6)
12:30 GMT US: Core CPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (1.7) Cons 0.2 (1.8)
12:30 GMT US: CPI, NSA index Sep Prev 237.852 Cons 238.120
12:30 GMT Canada: Retail sales, % m/m Aug -0.1
12:30 GMT Canada: Retail sales ex autos, % m/m Aug Prev -0.6
21:45 GMT New Zealand: CPI, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.3 Cons 0.5

Thursday 23 October 2014

BRUSSELS - European Council meeting (to Oct 24)

08:05 GMT LONDON - Bank of England Deputy Governor Ben Broadbent gives speech on monetary policy outlook to Society of Business Economists

MADRID - Bank of Spain Governor Luis Linde will deliver a lecture at the Foro La Voz de Galicia.

08:00 GMT Philippines: BSP policy rate, % Oct Prev 4.0 Cons 4.0
08:00 GMT Norway: Interest rate announcement Oct Prev 1.50 Cons 1.50
11:00 GMT Turkey: Benchmark repo rate, % Oct Prev 8.25 Cons 8.25
11:00 GMT Turkey: Overnight lending rate, % Oct Prev 11.25 Cons 11.25
11:00 GMT Turkey: Overnight borrowing rate, % Oct Prev 7.50 Cons 7.50
00:30 GMT Australia: NAB business confidence, index Q3 Prev 6 Cons 7
01:45 GMT China: Flash HSBC manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.2 Cons 50.2
05:00 GMT Singapore: CPI, % y/y Sep Prev 0.9 Cons 1.0
05:00 GMT Singapore: Core CPI, % y/y Sep Prev 2.1 Cons 2.1
06:45 GMT France: Business climate, index Oct Prev 91 Cons 91
06:58 GMT France: "Flash" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 48.8 Cons 48.5
06:58 GMT France: "Flash" services PMI; index Oct Prev 48.4 Cons 48.2
07:28 GMT Germany: "Flash" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 49.9 Cons 49.50
07:28 GMT Germany: "Flash" services PMI; index Oct Prev 55.7 Cons 55.0
07:30 GMT Sweden: Unemployment rate (sa), % Sep Prev 7.4 (8.0) Cons 7.5 (7.9)
07:58 GMT E18: "Flash" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.3 Cons 49.9
07:58 GMT E18: "Flash" services PMI; index Oct Prev 52.4 Cons 52.0
07:58 GMT E18: "Flash" composite PMI; index Oct Prev 52.0 Cons 51.5
08:00 GMT Taiwan: Industrial production, % y/y Sep Prev 7.0 Cons 6.7
08:30 GMT UK: Retail sales, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.4 (3.9) Cons -0.2 (2.8)
08:30 GMT UK: Retail sales exl. fuel, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.2 (4.5) Cons 0.2 (3.6)
10:00 GMT UK: CBI industrial trends, total orders Oct Prev -4 Cons -2
12:30 GMT US: Initial jobless claims, k (4wma) 18-Oct Prev 264 (284) Cons 270
13:00 GMT US: FHFA purchase-only HPI, % m/m (y/y) Aug Prev 0.1 (4.5) Cons 0.4
13:00 GMT Mexico: First half bi-weekly CPI, % 2w/2w Oct Prev 0.32 Cons 0.49
13:45 GMT US: "Flash" Markit PMI, index Oct Prev 57.5 Cons 57.3
14:00 GMT US: Leading indicators index, % m/m Sep Prev 0.2 Cons 0.7
14:00 GMT E18: 'Flash' Consumer confidence; index Oct Prev -11.4 Cons -12.0
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Trade balance, NZD mn Sep Prev -472 Cons -625
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Exports, NZD bn Sep Prev 3.5 Cons 3.5
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Imports, NZD bn Sep Prev 4.0 Cons 4.2
23:00 GMT Korea: Preliminary GDP, % y/y Q3 Prev 3.5 Cons 3.3
23:00 GMT Korea: Preliminary GDP, % q/q sa Q3 Prev 0.5 Cons 0.9

Friday 24 October 2014

08:20 GMT E18: ECB Executive Board member Praet speaks at International Banking Conference in Milan

06:00 GMT Germany: GfK Consumer confidence, index Nov Prev 8.3 Cons 8.0
08:00 GMT Italy: Retail sales sa, % m/m (y/y) Aug Prev -0.1 (-1.5)
08:30 GMT UK: GDP preliminary release, % q/q (y/y) Q 3 Prev 0.9 (3.2) Cons 0.7 (3.0)
10:00 GMT Italy: Consumer confidence, index Oct Prev 102.0 Cons 101.3
13:00 GMT Mexico: Economic activity index, % y/y Aug Prev 2.5 Cons 2.0
13:00 GMT Belgium: Business confidence index Oct Prev -7.2 Cons -7.8
14:00 GMT US: New home sales, k saar Sep Prev 504 Cons 470
16:00 GMT France: Jobseekers net change (sa), k Sep 9.426.1 Prev -11.1 Cons 0.7

Sunday 26 October 2014

E28: The EBA announces 2014 EU-wide stress test publication date

23:50 GMT Japan: Corporate services price index, % y/y Sep Prev 3.5
Sunday 26 October

10:00 GMT FRANKFURT – ECB publishes results of the Comprehensive Assessment

12:00 GMT FRANKFURT – Deutsche Bundesbank Board Member Andreas Dombret to give press conference at the Bundesbank in Frankfurt

10:30 GMT FRANKFURT – ECB Vice-president Vitor Constancio and Supervisory Board Chair Daniele Nouy to hold a press conference on the results of the Comprehensive Assessment

Monday 27 October

07:00 GMT SYDNEY – RBA Head of Financial Stability Luci Ellis will attend the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) panel discussion in Sydney

18:30 GMT LONDON – Bank of England Deputy Governor Minouche Shafik speaks at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

TORONTO – Toronto Global Forum (to Oct. 28). Canadian Finance Minister Joe Oliver, Enbridge CEO Al Monaco and Caisse CEO Michael Sabia speak on “Rethinking Growth”.

STOCKHOLM – Swedish Central Bank holds monetary policy meeting (to Oct 28).

09:00 GMT Germany: IFO business climate, index Oct Prev 104.7 Cons 104.05

09:00 GMT Germany: IFO current assessment, index Oct Prev 110.5 Cons 110.0

09:00 GMT Germany: IFO business expectations, index Oct Prev 99.3 Cons 99.3

09:00 GMT E18: M3, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.4 (2.0) Cons (2.2)

09:00 GMT E18: Loans to private sector (adjusted), % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (-0.9)

11:00 GMT UK: CBI distributive trades, total sales Oct Prev 31 Cons 25

14:00 GMT US: Pending home sales, % m/m Sep Prev -1.0 Cons 1.0

Tuesday 28 October

WASHINGTON – U.S. Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) holds two-day meeting on interest rates.

OSLO – Norges Bank releases financial stability report.

08:00 GMT MADRID – Spain Treasury secretary Miguel Ferre speaks at a business conference organized by newspaper Cinco Dias

08:30 GMT Sweden: Interest rates announcement, % Oct Prev 0.25 Cons 0.05

13:00 GMT Hungary: Deposit rate, %Oct Prev 2.10 Cons 2.10

Spain: Budget, year-to date, € bn Sep Prev -34.7

08:30 GMT Sweden: Retail Sales, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 1.9 (4.6) Cons -0.6 (3.2)

09:00 GMT Italy: Business confidence, index Oct Prev 95.1 Cons 95.4

12:30 GMT US: Durable goods orders, % m/m Sep Prev -18.4 Cons 0.4

12:30 GMT US: Durable goods ex transportation, % m/m Sep Prev 0.4 Cons 0.6

13:00 GMT US: S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city HPI, %m/m (y/y) Aug Prev -0.5 (6.8) Cons 0.2 (5.7)

14:00 GMT US: Consumer confidence index Oct Prev 86.0 Cons 87.2

23:00 GMT Korea: Current account balance, USD bn Sep Prev 7.3 Cons 8.1

23:50 GMT Japan: Industrial production, % m/m Sep Prev -1.9 Cons 2.2

Wednesday 29 October

Brazil: Selic overnight rate, %Oct Prev 11.00 Cons 11.0

E28: European Commission deadline for issuing negative opinions on draft 2015 budget plans submitted by governments

E18: ECB bank lending survey

18:00 GMT US: FOMC rate decision, %Oct Prev 0.00-0.25 Cons 0.00-0.25

20:00 GMT New Zealand: RBNZ official cash rate, %Oct Prev 3.50 Cons 3.50

00:00 GMT New Zealand: Business confidence, indexOct Prev 13.4

07:45 GMT France: Consumer confidence indicator, index Oct Prev 86 Cons 86

08:00 GMT Sweden: Consumer Confidence, index Oct Prev 102.4 Cons 100.8

08:00 GMT Sweden: Manufacturing confidence Indicator, net balance Oct Prev 102.8 Cons 101.5

08:00 GMT Sweden: Economic Tendency Indicator, indexOct100.8103.0 Prev 101.1 Cons 100.7

09:30 GMT UK: Consumer credit, £bn Sep Prev 0.9 Cons 0.8

09:30 GMT UK: Mortgage lending, £bn Sep Prev 2.3 Cons 2.1

09:30 GMT UK: Mortgage approvals, k Sep Prev 64.2 Cons 62.0

09:30 GMT UK: M4 money supply, % m/m Sep Prev 0.3 Cons 0.2

12:30 GMT Canada: Industrial product price, % m/m Sep Prev 0.2

14:00 GMT Belgium: Preliminary GDP, % q/qQ3 Prev 0.2

23:00 GMT Korea: Industrial production, % y/y Sep Prev -2.8 Cons 2.8

Thursday 30 October

MADRID – Bank of Spain Governor Luis Linde will participate in the debate entitled “The role of central banks in the euro zone

Portugal: Portuguese parliament debates the government’s 2015 budget proposal

13:00 GMT US: Fed chair Yellen (FOMC voter) speaks in Washington

Germany: Baden-Wuerttemberg CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (0.8) Cons -0.1 (0.8)

Germany: Bavaria CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.1 (0.8) Cons -0.1 (1.0)

Germany: Hesse CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.1 (0.8) Cons -0.1 (0.8)

Germany: North Rhine Westphalia CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (1.1) Cons -0.1 (1.1)

Germany: Brandenburg CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (0.9) Cons -0.1 (1.0)

Germany: Saxony CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.1 (0.9) Cons -0.1 (1.1)

Germany: Preliminary HICP, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (0.8) Cons -0.2 (0.9)

Germany: Preliminary CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (0.8) Cons -0.1 (0.9)

Belgium: CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev -0.1 (-0.12)

00:00 GMT Australia: HIA new home sales, % m/m Sep Prev -5.7

00:30 GMT Australia: Import price index, % q/qQ3 Prev -3.0 Cons 0.2

00:30 GMT Australia: Export price index, % q/q Q3 Prev -7.9 Cons -4.7

07:00 GMT UK: Nationwide house price Index, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev -0.2 (9.4) Cons 0.3 (8.5)

08:00 GMT Spain: Preliminary GDP, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.6 Cons 0.5

08:00 GMT Austria: GDP, % q/q Q3 Prev 0.2

08:00 GMT Swi: KoF leading indicator Oct Prev 99.1 Cons 99.0

08:00 GMT Spain: Preliminary HICP, % y/y Oct Prev -0.3 Cons -0.2

08:55 GMT Germany: Unemployment change (000s, sa); (rate, %) Oct Prev 12 (6.7) Cons 4 (6.7)

10:00 GMT E18: Industrial confidence, index Oct Prev -5.5 Cons -5.5

10:00 GMT E18: ‘Flash’ Consumer confidence; index Oct Prev P Cons 11.1

12:30 GMT US: Initial jobless claims, k (4wma) 25-Oct Prev 283 (281) Cons 285

12:30 GMT US: Preliminary GDP, % q/q saar Q3 Prev 4.6 Cons 3.0

12:30 GMT US: Preliminary Consumer spending, % q/q saar Q3 Prev 2.5 Cons 2.0

12:30 GMT US: Preliminary GDP price index, % q/q saar Q3 Prev 2.1 Cons 1.5

21:45 GMT New Zealand: Building Consents, % m/m Sep Prev 0.0 Cons 1.0

23:30 GMT Japan: Unemployment rate, %Sep Prev 3.5 Cons 3.6

23:30 GMT Japan: Jobs/applicants ratio Sep Prev 1.10 Cons 1.10

23:30 GMT Japan: Real household spending, % y/y Sep Prev -4.7 Cons -4.1

23:30 GMT Japan: Nationwide CPI, % y/y Sep Prev 3.3 Cons 3.3

23:30 GMT Japan: Nationwide CPI ex. perishables, % y/y Sep Prev 3.1 Cons 3.0

23:30 GMT Japan: Nationwide CPI ex. food and energy, % y/y Sep Prev 2.3 Cons 2.2

23:30 GMT Japan: Tokyo CPI, % y/y Oct Prev 2.9 Cons 2.7

23:30 GMT Japan: Tokyo CPI ex. perishables, % y/y Oct Prev 2.6 Cons 2.5

23:30 GMT Japan: Tokyo CPI ex. food and energy, % y/y Oct Prev 2.0 Cons 2.0

Friday 31 October

08:00 GMT BARCELONA – Bank of Spain Governor Luis Linde will participate in the opening session of a seminar organized by Instituto Europeo del Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Banco de Espana in Barcelona

09:30 GMT ROME – Bank of Italy Governor Ignazio Visco, Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan and Italian Banking Association Head Antonio Patuelli at the annual world savings day event -. It will also feature head of Italian banking association Antonio Patuelli

10:30 GMT Russia: One week auction rate, %Oct Prev 8.00 Cons 8.50

15:00 GMT Mexico: Overnight rate, %Oct3.003.00 Prev 3.00 Cons 3.00

Colombia: Overnight lending rate, % Oct Prev 4.50 Cons 4.50

BoJ MPM and Outlook Report

00:05 GMT UK: GfK Consumer confidence, index Oct Prev -1 Cons -1

00:30 GMT Australia: Producer price index, % q/q Q3 Prev -0.1

00:30 GMT Australia: RBA private-sector credit, % m/m Sep Prev 0.4 Cons 0.4

02:30 GMT Singapore: Unemployment rate – 1st est., % Q3 Prev 2.0 Cons 2.0

7:00 GMT Germany: Retail sales sa, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 1.5 (0.1) Cons -0.8 (1.2)

07:45 GMT France: Hhsld Consum. Goods, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.7 (1.4) Cons -0.4 (1.0)

09:00 GMT Norway: Registered unemployment rate, %Oct Prev 2.7 Cons 2.6

09:00 GMT Italy: Unemployment rate, %Sep Prev 12.3

10:00 GMT E18: Unemployment rate, % Sep Prev 11.5 Cons 11.5

10:00 GMT Italy: Preliminary HICP, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 1.9 (-0.1) Cons 0.2 (0.0)

10:00 GMT Italy: Preliminary CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev -0.4 (-0.2) Cons 0.0 (0.0)

10:00 GMT E18: “Flash” HICP, % y/y Oct Prev 0.3 Cons 0.4

10:00 GMT E18: ‘Eurostat’ core (HICP x fd, alc, tob, ene), % y/y Oct Prev 0.8 Cons 0.8

12:30 GMT US: Personal income, % m/m Sep Prev 0.3 Cons 0.3

12:30 GMT US: Personal spending, % m/m Sep Prev 0.5 Cons 0.1

12:30 GMT US: PCE price index, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (1.5) Cons 0.0

12:30 GMT US: Core PCE price index, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.1 (1.5) Cons 0.1

12:30 GMT Canada: GDP, % m/m (y/y) Aug Prev 0.0 (2.5)

13:45 GMT US: Chicago PMI index Oct Prev 60.5 Cons 61.0

13:55 GMT US: Final Michigan Consumer sentiment index Oct Prev 86.4 Cons 86.4

Saturday 01 November

01:00 GMT China: NBS manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 51.1 Cons 51.1
Monday 03 November

08:00 GMT MAINZ, Germany - Bundesbank board member Andreas Dombret will speak at a conference in Mainz
12:00 GMT E18: ECB Vice-President Constâncio speaks at CEMFI in Madrid
14:00 GMT E18: ECB SSM Chair Nouy speaks at European Parliament in Brussels
14:30 GMT US: Chicago Fed President Evans (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Illinois
17:35 GMT TORONTO - Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz speaks to the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships
17:40 GMT US: Dallas Fed President Fisher (FOMC voter) speaks in New York

00:30 GMT Australia: Building approvals, % m/m Sep Prev 3.0 Cons -1.0
00:30 GMT Australia: Job advertisements, % m/m Oct Prev Prev 0.9
01:00 GMT China: NBS non-manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 54.0
01:45 GMT China: Final HSBC manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.4P Cons 50.4
07:30 GMT Sweden: Manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 53.4- Cons 52.5
08:00 GMT UK: Halifax house price index, % m/m (3m/y) Oct Prev 0.6 (9.6) Cons (9.1)
08:13 GMT Spain: Manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 52.6 Cons 52.30
08:30 GMT Swi: Manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.4 Cons 51.20
08:43 GMT Italy: Manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.7 Cons 50.7
08:48 GMT France: "Final" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 47.3P Cons 47.3
08:53 GMT Germany: "Final" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 51.8P Cons 51.8
08:58 GMT E18: "Final" manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 50.7P Cons 50.70
09:28 GMT UK: Manufacturing PMI, index Oct Prev 51.6 Cons 51.5
14:45 GMT US: Markit PMI-f, index Oct Prev 56.2- Cons 56.0
15:00 GMT US: ISM manufacturing index Oct Prev 56.6 Cons 56.5
15:00 GMT US: Construction spending, % m/m Sep Prev -0.8 Cons 0.7

Tuesday 04 November

07:00 GMT NICOSIA - ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure speaks on 'Current Developments in Euro Area' and European Stability Mechanism Managing Director Klaus Regling on 'Thinking beyond the Crisis' at one-day conference in Cyprus organized by the Economist
16:00 GMT BOCHUM, Germany - Bundesbank board member Andreas Dombret speaks in Bochum about European banking supervision

00:30 GMT Australia: Trade balance, AUD mn Sep Prev -787 Cons -1775
00:30 GMT Australia: Retail sales, % m/m Sep Prev 0.1 Cons 0.3
00:30Australia: Real Retail sales, % q/q Sep Prev -0.2 Cons 0.5
05:00 GMT Japan: Auto sales, % y/y Oct Prev -2.8
09:30 GMT UK: Construction PMI, index Oct Prev 64.2 Cons 63.4
10:00 GMT E18: PPI, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -0.1 (-1.4) Cons 0.0 (-1.5)
13:30 GMT US: Trade balance, $ bn Sep Prev -40.1 Cons -40.0
13:30 GMT Canada: Int'l merchandise trade, $ bn Sep Prev -0.6- Cons -0.7
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Unemployment rate, %Q Prev 5.6- Cons 5.5
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Employment change, % q/qQ3 Prev 0.4- Cons 0.6
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Participation rate, %Q3 Prev 68.9- Cons 69.0
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Private sector wages excl. overtime, % q/qQ3 Prev 0.6- Cons 0.5
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Private sector wages incl. overtime, % q/qQ3 Prev 0.6- Cons 0.5
21:45 GMT New Zealand: Hourly earnings (% q/q) Q3 Prev 0.5- Cons 1.1
22:30 GMT Australia: AIG/CBA services PSI, index Oct Prev 45.4

Wednesday 05 November

Poland: Repo rate, % Nov Prev 2.00 Cons 1.75
02:30 GMT TOKYO - Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda speaks at an event hosted by Kyodo news agency
07:30 GMT Thailand: Benchmark interest rate, %Nov Prev 2.00 Cons 2.00
14:15 GMT US: Minneapolis Fed President Kocherlakota (FOMC voter) speaks in Minnesota
14:30 GMT US: Richmond Fed President Lacker (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Washington
15:00 GMT US: Boston Fed President Rosengren (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Lima, Peru
23:50 GMT TOKYO - Bank of Japan will release the minutes of its October policy-setting meeting

01:30 GMT Japan: Wages per worker, % y/y Sep Prev 0.9 Cons 0.8
05:58 GMT Ireland: Services PMI, index Oct Prev 62.5 Cons 62.3
07:30 GMT Sweden: Services PMI, index Oct Prev 55.6
08:13 GMT Spain: Services PMI, index Oct Prev 55.8 Cons 55.5
08:15 GMT Swi: CPI, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.1 (-0.1) Cons -0.1 (-0.1)
08:30 GMT Sweden: Service production, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.7 (2.3)
08:30 GMT Sweden: Industrial production, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -0.2 (-2.4) Cons 0.3 (-2.0)
08:43 GMT Italy: Services PMI, index Oct Prev 48.8 Cons 49.4
08:48 GMT France: "Final" services PMI, index Oct Prev 48.2P Cons 48.1
08:53 GMT Germany: Final services PMI, index Oct Prev 54.8P Cons 54.8
08:58 GMT E18: Final services PMI, index Oct Prev 52.4P Cons 52.4
08:58 GMT E18: Final composite PMI, index Oct Prev 52.2P Cons 52.2
09:28 GMT UK: Services PMI, index Oct Prev 58.7- Cons 58.4
10:00 GMT E18: Retail sales, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 1.2 (1.9) Cons -0.7 (1.5)
13:15 GMT US: ADP private payrolls, chg, k Oct 217202 Prev 213 Cons 214
15:00 GMT US: ISM non-manufacturing index Oct 58.759.6 Prev 58.6 Cons 58.0

Thursday 06 November 1, 2014

08:30 GMT E18: ECB SSM Chair Nouy speaks at banking conference in Brussels
10:00 GMT Malaysia: Overnight rate, %Nov Prev 3.25 Cons 3.25
12:00 GMT Czech: Repo rate announcement, %Nov Prev 0.05 Cons 0.05
12:00 GMT UK: BoE Bank rate decision, %Nov Prev 0.50 Cons 0.50
12:00 GMT UK: BoE asset purchase decisionNov375375 Prev 375 Cons 375
12:45 GMT E18: ECB Interest rate announcement, %Nov Prev 0.05 Cons 0.05
13:30 GMT E18: ECB Press conference
14:00 GMT E18: Eurogroup meeting in Brussels
14:00 GMT WASHINGTON - Former Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president Jerry Jordan will attend the Cato Institute's 32nd Annual Monetary Conference
15:40 GMT US: Chicago Fed President Evans (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Illinois
18:30 GMT US: Governor Powell (FOMC voter) speaks in Illinois

00:30 GMT Australia: Employment change, k Oct Prev -29.7 Cons 10.0
00:30 GMT Australia: Unemployment rate, % Oct Prev 6.16.1 Cons 6.1
00:30 GMT Australia: Participation rate, % Oct Prev 64.5- Cons 64.5
07:00 GMT Germany: Factory orders, %m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -5.7 (-1.3) Cons 2.2 (-1.0)
08:30 GMT Netherlands: HICP, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (0.2) Cons -0.2 (0.4)
09:30 GMT UK: Industrial output, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (2.5) Cons 0.4 (1.6)
09:30 GMT UK: Manufacturing output, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.1 (3.9) Cons 0.3 (2.8)
13:30 GMT US: Initial jobless claims, k (4wma) 01-Nov Prev 287 (281) Cons 285
13:30 GMT US: Non-farm productivity-p, % q/q 3Q P Prev 2.3 Cons 0.9
13:30 GMT US: Unit labor cost-p, % q/q 3Q P Prev -0.1 Cons 0.9
13:30 GMT Canada: Building permits, % m/m Sep Prev -27.3 Cons 5.0
15:00 GMT Canada: Ivey PMI, index Oct Prev 58.6
22:30 GMT Australia: AIG Construction PCI, index Oct Prev 59.1

Friday 07 November

E18: ECB SSM Chair Nouy and Executive Board member Coeuré speaks at symposium in Brussels-
Greece: PM Samaras visits Cyprus (to 08/11)
00:05 GMT US: Cleveland Fed President Mester (FOMC-voter) speaks in New York
00:30 GMT Australia: RBA statement on Monetary policyNov
08:00 GMT E28: ECOFIN meeting in Brussels
14:15 GMT US: Chicago Fed President Evans (FOMC non-voter) speaks in Illinois
15:15 GMT US: Fed chair Yellen (FOMC voter) speaks in Paris, France
19:30 GMT US: Fed Governor Tarullo (FOMC voter) speaks in Washington, D.C.
22:00 GMT E18: ECB Vice-President Constâncio speaks at annual international banking conference in Chicago

06:45 GMT Swi: Unemployment rate (adj), % Oct Prev 3.2 Cons 3.2
07:00 GMT Germany: Industrial production, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev -4.0 (-2.8) Cons 2.0 (-0.6)
07:00 GMT Germany: Trade balance sa, € bn Sep Prev 14.0 Cons 19.0
07:30 GMT France: BdF industrial business sentiment, index Oct Prev 96.1 Cons 95.0
07:45 GMT France: Industrial production, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 0.0 (-0.3) Cons -0.2 (-0.2)
07:45 GMT France: Budget, year-to date, € bn Sep Prev -94.1
07:45 GMT France: Trade balance, € bn Sep Prev -5.8- Cons -5.1
09:00 GMT Norway: Manufacturing production, % m/m (y/y) Sep Prev 1.0 (5.2) Cons -0.7
09:30 GMT UK: Visible trade balance, £bn Sep Prev -9.1 Cons -9.3
13:30 GMT US: Non-farm payrolls, chg, k Oct Prev 248 Cons 230
13:30 GMT US: Private non-farm payrolls, chg, k Oct Prev 236 Cons 225
13:30 GMT US: Unemployment rate, %Oct Prev 5.9 Cons 5.9
13:30 GMT US: Average hourly earnings, % m/m (y/y) Oct Prev 0.0 (2.0) Cons 0.2 (2.1)
13:30 GMT US: Average weekly hours Oct Prev 34.6 Cons 34.6
13:30 GMT Canada: Unemployment rate, %Oct Prev 6.8 Cons 6.8
13:30 GMT Canada: Net change in employment, k Oct Prev 74.1 Cons 0.0
13:30 GMT Canada: Participation Rate, %Oct Prev 66.0- Cons 66.0
14:00 GMT Mexico: CPI inflation, % m/m Oct Prev 0.44 Cons 0.55
20:00 GMT US: Consumer credit, chg, $ bn Sep Prev 13.5 Cons 16.0

Saturday 08 November

China: Trade Balance, USD bn Oct Prev 40.0 Cons 35.4
China: Exports, % y/y Oct Prev 15.3 Cons 10.0
China: Imports, % y/y Oct Prev 7.0 Cons 7.0

Sunday 09 November

Spain: Catalonia referendum