££££ EACSTrend £££££

ilia king

Well-known member
££££ EASCTrend £££££

Has anyone heard of this piece of software I think it costs £6,000 every year. I think it's an add-on to tradestation, it garuntees more than 100% profit every year. Thanks :?: :idea: :rolleyes: :( ;)
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In my experience of bolt-ons for Tradestation (which is considerable), I have yet to see anything that warranted even £100 let alone £6000 so I would suggest that you dont believe the hype.

http://www.wintick.com/6_0/order_easc.asp - over hear it mentions the price $4,999.00 - but there are more thinks to add on to the cost. <<<<<

Day Trading, Swing Trading or Position Trading with any real time charts for fast markets and index futures.

Plus one year WinTick Professional.
$4,999.00 *

Upgrade to this version
If they are that good they will offer a free trial, so if they do try it and see and if they dont then I wouldnt bother.

Paul - they don't offer a free demo - as far as I'm concerened. But neither do Metastock or Tradestation. Or do they? But being that expensive!!!

Also has anyone heard of Safir-Xp it costs 29,500 euroes, I think thats about 15,000 pounds (I'm not a forex trader)

Who buys all this expensive software :?: