Durable Goods - Short the USD vs. Yen


Junior member
I was in a postion today and got a quick reaction to the durable goods order, but failed to pull the trigger in that minute or two before it rebounded. I doubled my position and feel the dollar is over valued vs. the yen over the next month or so, but I am suprised by the lack of return. I was short the Kiwi vs. the Dollar yesterday before it tanked. It hit my limit and continued to drop, consequently I missed out on huge gains but still locked in 15% against my portfolio - those gains are oproviding insurance against my USD/JPY short, but I am concerned.

Anyone else short the USD vs. the Yen and what's your plan? Report came out today saying US equity markets are doomed and Japan was still hot for stocks. You think patience will prevail on the currency play?